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Written on: July 13, 2017


Chapter 14.

Laura's point of view

A few months has occurred Bailey is 4 months old, she's nothing like the others, she's even way worse than them.

She cries a lot daily, if she doesn't get what she wants she'll cry until she actually get what she wants.

She fights with Hailey a lot, so they don't really get along well, so that's why I'm with Bailey and Ross is always with Hailey.

The school year has ended so everyone said their goodbyes to Hailey as she did as well, since she was moving up to kindergarten I let her spend time with the students on the last week of school.

She promised she would see them again on their half days so they can see her again, they all got attached to her on day 1 of me bringing her when she had went to a different school for headstart and I had only brought her to the high school on their half days.

Until I fully enrolled her into the headstart at the high school as everyone got excited and attacked her with hugs.

You know? That I know these students will also grow into being so attached to Bailey and they will love her just as much as they did to Hailey.

Bailey is the greatest gift and probably a great early birthday present for me, she was born on November 25th.

I'll continue to be so easy with her and show all the love and care I have for her.

Bailey Grace Lynch.

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