Guardian Angel

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Lachlan and Vik drove to the carnival, excitement building inside them.
"I wonder if there are going to be horses," Vik exclaimed.
"There probably will be!" Lachlan replied enthusiastically.
"Thank you so much for taking me to the carnaval! I love you so much," Vik said for the billionth time. Lachlan looked at Vik and smiled. Suddenly, they heard large tires screeching in front of the car. They whipped their heads towards a large semi truck going full-speed toward them. Lachlan swore and jerked the wheel toward the side of the road, but it was already too late. The semi hit the car, and gravity seemed to pull from every direction. The large semi crunched the front bumper of their car. Time slowed down, and Vik saw a large glass shard fly toward Lachlan. Without thinking, Vik launched his body to block the glass from hitting Lachlan. It sheathed itself in Vik's head. The tires screeched to a smoking halt on the edge of the road. Lachlan noticed the pool of blood seeping from Vik.
"Vik! Vik please answer me!" Lachlan yelled.
Lachlan shakily called 911.
"They are on their way, Vik! You'll be okay! I love you, Vik! Please stay with me!" Lachlan said, cradling Vik's bleeding head.
"Lachlan..," Vik sputtered, blood dripping out his mouth.
Vik exhaled for the last time, and his eyes clouded over.
"NO!!" Lachlan yelled, tears pouring out his eyes. Lachlan held Vik's limp body close to his heart.
Sirens wailed in the distance.


So. I didn't want to write but I wanted to do something sad. My friend FreedomWolfLover allowed me to steal this short story she did. Go check her out cause she is amazeballs. This isn't my writing, it is hers. She just allowed me to change the names.

And sorry if we killed your feels. :)


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