What Hurts the Most~Part Poofless

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So, this was requested by MakMon. There will be one more part after this for the next ship but for now, enjoy this Poofless one-shot leading off of What Hurts the Most~Merome.

Play song whenever.


~Rob's POV~

BajanCanoodle~ I told you Vikk! I'm not going to tell him! He'll hate me if I do......

IckyStickyStar~ How do you know that Mitch? He's your best friend Mitch. How could he hate you?

MrWaffles~ He has a point Mitch. You'll never know until you try.

BajanCanoodle~ I'll think about it. Jerome's home now so I'll talk to you guys later.

IckStickyStar~ Bye Mitch.

MrWaffles~ See ya bro.

I closed my phone after I sent the text and sighed.

I swear to god if  Mitch doesn't tell Jerome his feelings, I will do it for him. I thought as I stood up from my couch to make some lunch.

I pulled out a box of mac and cheese and began to boil some water in a pot. While waiting I took out my phone and began to look at social media. The water then started to boil; causing me to put down my phone and begin to cook the mac and cheese.

After it was done, I sat at the counter and began to eat. As I was eating, my phone began to ring. Setting down my spoon, I got up and went to grab my phone. Reading the ID I answered.

"Hey Mitch! How's it going?" I said cheerfully as I answered.

"Not good." He replied with a sniffle. Oh god he's been crying.

"I'll be over in 5 Mitch." I said before hanging up.

I quickly grabbed the keys to my car and pulled on my signature blue hoodie. I ran out the door; locking it behind me before climbing into my car.

I'm lucky I live so close to Mitch and Jerome. It's very helpful for times like these.

5 minutes later, I arrive on Mitch's street and see him sitting on his porch; just staring at his hands. His caramel eyes looked up at me as I parked in the driveway. I quickly turned it off and hopped out. I walked up to him and pulled him into a large hug; causing him to start sobbing into my shoulder.

"There, there. It'll be alright Mitch." I said soothingly.

Mitch sniffled and shook his head.

"How can everything be alright when I lost the only light in my world?" Mitch struggled out between sobs.

I sighed before rubbing his back soothingly. A few minutes later, Mitch pulled away and wiped his eyes.

"Thanks Rob." He whispered.

"No problem. Now, what happened?" I asked quietly, sitting down on the porch beside him.

"We.... had an argument. He saw the texts between me, you, and Vikk and instantly got suspicious. So he came up to me. I told him I couldn't tell him, so he got mad and stormed out. After that I called you and now we're here." He told me. I nodded.

Well, is there anything else you need?" I asked as we sat there.

"Could you possibly, come with me to the talent show? Jerome was going to come with me, but you know...." Mitch trailed off at the end as I nodded.

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