Chapter 98, Narrator: Avry

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Then.........Adam and I just left the wall. "Where are we going?" Adam asked. "Somewhere else," I said. "Without Mary and Elizabeth?" he said. "They'll be safer there," I said. We walked out a couple miles, just like Leo told me to. "Why'd you do it?" I asked. "These people are weak, and stupid, they're gonna get us killed," he said. "It was just a kid Adam," I said. "Just as old as me," he said. I had nothing to say to that. "I know that I'm not coming back there," he said. "Whether you do or not is up to you," he said. "But I can survive without that place," he said. "You know the feeling," he said. "What it's like to kill," he said barely glancing back at me. "You don't know anything about me," I said. "I've seen your room before, all the maps, and photos," he said. "So who are you trying to protect?" he asked. "It was to protect us," I said. "There is no protecting anymore! You see it now don't you? There is no escaping him, he controls your life," he said. He started to ramble on some more. My stomach was unsettled from what I was about to do. I put the gun to the back of his head. "I'm sorry," I said over his ramble. KAPOW! He fell over. Now.........KAPOW! Leo shot me in the shoulder. I blacked out for a while. When I woke up my shoulder was sore. I've been shot one too many times. And I'm gonna make Leo pay for that. My hands were still tied down. I needed out of the chair so I could get a weapon. I leaned to the right then quickly to the left. The chair moved a little. I repeated the process until it fell over. I saw my knife on the ground. I started scooting over to it. When I got it I started cutting my bindings off. I stood up when I was free. I heard a car outside. It wasn't Leo, that's who I was waiting for. I flipped the breakers off. I hid behind the basement door. I could barely see. A man walked in. "Leo?" he said. He walked towards Leo's desk. He started to walk towards the basement door. I quickly went down the stairs and hid behind a couch. He saw the broken chair. "Shit," he said. "He pulled out a walkie talkie. "Leo, he's gone," he said. I ran up to him and pushed him over. Before he could react I stomped on his jaw and instantly snapped his neck. I searched him for weapons. He had a grenade and a pistol. I picked up the walkie talkie. "I'm coming for you Leo," I said and dropped the walkie talkie. I snuck around in back yards. I couldn't be seen by Leo's men. I snuck all the way to my house. Elizabeth and Mary weren't there. Maybe Mary was at Akilah's like I told her. I started sneaking farther down the road. Akilah's house was a few blocks away so it took a while. But her house was empty too. I wrote a note for when she came home. It said "If you're reading this then you know what I'm about to do is probably gonna get me killed, but I ain't going out alone, there's a sniper on top of the bank. You should know what to do with it." I walked out of her house. I had to find someone who know where Elizabeth was. After I kill Leo I'm taking her out of here. I saw Destiny. "Destiny!" I said. "Oh my god! What happened?" she asked. I almost forgot I was covered in cuts and bruises, and that I'd been shot. "I'll explain later, where's Elizabeth?" I asked. "I'm not sure, are you okay?" she asked. "I gotta-I gotta......" I said and started to fall over. Destiny caught me. "You're bleeding! Oh my god! We gotta get you to Lydia," she said. I passed out in her arms. I woke up to Lydia's voice. "Avry," she said. "What happened?" I asked. "You passed out on the side of the road," she said. "Leo wanted you to meet him at Travis' house," she said. "Shit, I gotta go," I said and lifted up. "Avry, I can't let you go, you could die if you leave," she said. "I have to," I said. "You saved my life in the beginning, I owe you," she said. "You wanna know how to make it even?" I asked. She nodded. "Go to Akilah's house, there's a note, read it and do what it says," I said. "Okay," she said. I grabbed all my stuff from the counter. I had my red scorpion knife. I grabbed the pistol from before and the grenade. I walked outside. My arm was patched up. And I had butterfly stitches on my face. I stopped when I saw Mary's car. She wasn't in it or anywhere near it. "Avry!" someone yelled. I looked over. I saw Xavie running towards me. "Avry we gotta go!" she said. "Where's Elizabeth?" I asked. "I dropped her and Edward off at Kayla's we gotta go get them!" she said. "Come on!" I said. I started running down the road. I could see the house. I pulled out my pistol. I kicked the door open. I saw Leo with a gun to Edward's head. I pointed my gun at Leo. I could hear six guns being pointed at me. "I have a clean shot," I said. "Don't do it Avry," Xavie said. "Put down the gun," Leo said. "You know I can't do that!" I said. "I could kill all of you right now," he said. "All I want is you," I said. "You can try, but that would kill both Edward and Elizabeth," he said. "Avry please," Edward said. He was crying. I put my gun down. "On your knees," Leo said. I got on my knees. "Please....just don't hurt them," I said.

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