Chapter 25, Narrator: Avry

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KAPOW! The gunshot scared the hell out of me. I looked back up to see how everyone was doing. I look over at Lonza she's staring dead at Madison. I hear Madison fall over and blood splatter all over the ground. "Madison," I cried. I just stood there hearing gunshots back and forth. Lonza pushed me in to the car and got in the passenger seat. I started driving really fast. I had to make a sharp u-turn so we could get away. "They're everywhere, they all lined up so it'd be harder to get away," Lonza said. I opened the sun roof. "Take the wheel," I said and put my head through the sun roof. They had trucks chasing us down and everything. I lifted up a shotgun and fired at one of the trucks. It was spraying so it was accurate enough to hit one of them. I took out the shooter in the truck. I took another shot and hit the driver. "Avry take the wheel back," Lonza said. I took the wheel back. "Shit! We have to make another u-turn, we can't lead them back to the airport," I said. "Fuck it, take them to the airport, it's two against an army!" she shouted. "Alright," I said. I started driving faster. I felt the car drop a little. One of the tires went out. "Shit, they popped a tire!" I shouted. We started swerving back and forth on the road. I tried to take control but I couldn't do it. "Lonza get down, buckle up!" I shouted. I buckled my seat belt. I looked over and Lonza. "Avry look out!" she screamed. I looked back at the road and we had drove off the road and crashed in to a tree. I blacked out for a few seconds. The glass from the windshield cut my head. I lifted myself up. "Lonza," I said. She was lying back in the seat. "Wake up," I said. "Oww.....shit, we gotta go," she said. I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car. We had drove down a hill. I heard cars driving in the distance. I walked really fast to the passenger seat to help Lonza. My entire body was aching, it was difficult to walk. I helped her walk. It was dark and we were in the woods. Lonza could barely keep her eyes open. I was dizzy and we didn't bring any supplies with us. I could hear people talking in the distance. I stood completely still for a second to hear what they were saying. "Hey Chris, what do you think Eddie is gonna do to the airport once we clear it out?" a man asked. "Same thing he always does, turn it in to another fake outpost. Eventually someone stupid will come by thinking we're legit, then we take everything they have," Chris said. Chris looked just like Eddie, they had to be related somehow. I started walking again hoping they wouldn't hear me. "Who's over there!?!" One of them said. I started walking faster. "Lonza wake up, run!" I said. She started getting faster and faster. Eventually her legs broke out and she fell. I went to go after her. I saw three men come out with guns in the distance. "Just go," she said. I stood for a second. I looked at the men again, they had rose their guns and that's when I started running. I kept running and running. I wanted to go back for Lonza but their were too many. I eventually saw the airport. But their were two roamers waiting for me. I stabbed the first one but I was too weak to get the second one. I pushed the second one and I saw it get shot and fall over. I walked out and saw Quanterria. She lowered her gun when she saw me. "Hey," she said. I didn't say anything back. "What's wrong?" she asked. "Where's Lonza and Madison?" she asked. I looked down at my feet and back up, I had to tell her. "I don't know," I said. I felt like I was about to collapse. "Can you......ugh.....get someone out here to get me?" I said. I dropped to the ground, I didn't pass out I just couldn't stand anymore. She picked up a walkie talkie and called for help. Anthony and Rian came out and helped me up. Eventually they sat me where Madison was resting at. I managed to get to sleep not long after I laid down. I woke up with Anthony and Lydia sitting in the room with me. "So what happened?" Anthony asked. I wiped some of the dried blood off of my head. "We found her and finally convinced her to come back, but before we got in the car someone shot her in the head. Then Lonza and I returned fire while trying to drive off, but they popped a front tire. And then we crashed and we ran, and she fell.....and she got caught....I don't know if she's even alive," I said. "We'll know soon," he said. "But, until then you stay in bed," he said. "I can't, I have business to handle," I said. I had to go talk to Savannah about Madison. She's the reason Madison died. I stood up and slowly walked outside. Akilah saw me and walked over to me. "Hey," she said. I hugged her. "Hey," I said. "I heard about what happened," she said. "We'll talk later, can you help me limp my way to Savannah?" I asked. "What did she do now?" she asked. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Some of the things she's been saying causes trouble, she's the reason Morgan killed herself. They separated me from her because I threatened to kill her," she said. "Wait, Morgan's dead?" I said. "She killed Madison and Morgan," I said. I was holding in my anger. "She got Madison killed too?" she said. "Come on," she said. "We're going to talk to her," she said.

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