Chapter 142, Narrator: Destiny

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We were walking down the road keeping our eyes open. All of us had a gun up. All watching each other's back. We heard noises and it was dark outside. There weren't many places to set up camp, and it wasn't safe to with there not being many places to run. We had to walk until we found a place. We had no light except for the moonlight. Avry was in front trying to keep his eye on the map while also keeping an eye out for roamers. "Two roamers at three o'clock," Akilah said. Akilah had no knife, she gave hers to Cole. Cole and I stabbed the roamers and got back in formation. "Mykell, how you feeling back there?" Avry asked. "I'm good, don't feel anything yet," Mykell said. "He's lying, he's burning up," I said. "Are you feeling weak?" Cole asked. "No, just a fever," Mykell said. "Roamers at nine o'clock," Akilah said. "How many?" I asked. "I can't tell!" she said. I flashed my flashlight to see how many. There was one directly in my face. I couldn't pull up my axe in time. KAPOW! Mykell shot it. Once it fell I saw how many there were. There was the herde from before. I could tell from all the burns they had. "Shit! Run!" Avry said. We all sprinted down the road. The road in front of us was clear. "Destiny! Chop that thin three and block the road!" Avry said. It was tall but it was really skinny. It would slow the roamers down a little bit and give us time to breathe. I took a few swings at it and watched it fall. I ran further down the road. I looked back and saw Cole still standing at the tree. "Cole come on!" I yelled. He began running with us. We waited until we were on a different road to stop running. We were all panting. "Cole, what the hell were you doing?" I asked. "I lit one of the branches on fire, by the time the herde gets there the whole tree will be in a blaze. It'll keep them distracted longer," he said. We all took a minute to catch our breath. "Akilah, how are we looking on water?" Avry asked. "After that landslide we lost most of our water, we got maybe a few days worth left," Akilah said. "What about food?" Avry asked. "We're even lower on that," Cole said. "How low?" Avry asked. "About a day or two," Cole said. "Maybe less," he added. "You okay Mykell?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm fine," Mykell said. "Hey, you're doing a lot better than most people, you've almost lasted a whole 24 hours," Avry said. "Let's not push our luck," I said. "Are you sure it was a roamer that bit you?" Avry asked. "What else could it be?" I asked. "When I lived out here as a kid there were coyotes," he said. "To be honest I'm not even sure," Mykell said. "I heard howls, but I kept running without looking back," he said. "So there's a chance you could survive?" Akilah asked. "If it's a bite from a coyote then yes, but we need antibiotics to kill the infection," Avry said. "We should search for some in the morning," Akilah said. "I'll go," Avry said. "I'll go with you," I said. "Everyone else stays somewhere safe," he said. "We need to find a place first," he said. We walked further down the road. The mountains turned in to hills. I looked at the top of a hill and saw a van. "We can stay there for the night," I said. We walked up the hill. "I'll take watch first," Avry said. Everyone started setting up. I saw Akilah sleeping next to Cole. And I saw Mykell sleeping in the driver seat. Avry sat on the roof of the van. I couldn't sleep so I walked out and sat with him. Mykell had cuffed himself to the seat in case it wasn't a coyote bite. Avry had the key. I sat with Avry. "So what do you think the chances are of that being a coyote bite?" I asked. "It's about a 50-50 chance," he said. "Coyote's are in the area, but there were a lot of roamers after him," he said. We heard howling off in the distance. I put my hand on my gun. "It's fine, they're not close," he said. "How are you doing Avry?" I asked. "To be honest I'm not sure," he said. "I'm trying to be better, I lost my kid, my first kid died and I wasn't there," he said. "It wasn't your fault," I said. "I feel like it was, I chose not to come back," he said. The cracks in his voice was showing that he was close to crying. "There wasn't anything you could do about it," I said. "I could've came back," he said. "No, LeAnn told me, you weren't healthy enough," I said. "The attack happened a few days after you fell, you woke up around the time it happened," I said. Avry got silent. The rest of the night was silent, other than the crickets and birds. We watched the sunrise. "I'm gonna wake up Cole and give him the keys to the handcuffs," Avry said. He woke up Cole and handed him the keys. We started walking down the road. "We need to find some food, medicine, and water," Avry said. "Yeah, that landslide and storm fucked us up on supplies," I said. "Yeah, it sure did," he said. "There's only a few of us now," he said. "If Mykell lives it'll still be five of us left," he said. "So any supplies whatsoever will do us good," he said. "Hopefully we can find some more people soon, I forgot how bad it is to have this few people," I said. " you see that?" Avry asked. "See what?" I asked. He pointed at the sign. It read: Welcome to South Carolina.

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