Chapter 50, Narrator: Akilah

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They threw Candi and Ace on the ground in front of me. Candi was pale and bleeding. Ace was fine. I checked all over Candi. She had a bandage on her stomach. She'd been shot. Ace was sitting on the ground away from us. I scooted my way over to him. "How did you guys get here?" I asked. "I was with my dad and they took me and threw me in a boat," he said. The same thing happened to me, probably happened to Candi too. The man who threw me in the broad walked up to us. He was about to say something before I interrupted him. "Where are you taking us?" I asked. "Once we get this boat going, we'll be going to Florida darling," he said. "Names," he said. I wasn't telling him anything."I'm Ace, that's Akilah, and I don't know that girl's name," Ace said. "Well Akilah, for now you can call me Jay," he said. "What do you want with us?" I asked. "Well I wanted your people's cooperation," he said. "You see, your people have supplies that we need, we tried distracting you guys, throwing obstacles in your way but none of it's working," he said. "We let the prisoner out, we brought two hoards, what else do we need to do to kill you?" he asked. He was the one who let Eddie out. And he tried trapping us. "We don't want to waste our bullets, no one is making more bullets, but people are making plenty more food," he said. "And you have three groups, and we outnumber all of them," he said. "I say you convince your people to give us all your supplies and we let you go," he said. I spit in his face. He started laughing. He tied my hands behind my back. "Do you wanna die today?" he asked. He took his knife out and pressed it up to my cheek. He cut in a little bit. Blood was going down my face. "Stop!" Ace yelled. He stood up. He stuck his hand in his jacket pocket. He pulled out a bottle of pills. "Any of you need some asprin?" he asked. Ace raised his hand. He handed Ace a pill and a cup of water. Ace took the pill. Jay left the room. I had to see if Candi was alive but my hands were tied. Ace had his hands tied too. We all had our hands tied to we couldn't escape if we wanted. I had my pocket knife in my bra if I could get it then I could cut us loose. I nudged Candi a little bit. "Owww," she said. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, I think so," she said. "Alright, I hate to ask but I need your help," I said. "What is it?" she asked. "My pocket knife is in my bra.........can you get it?" I asked. Their was an awkward silence. "Yeah, just give me a second," she said as she tried to get on her knees. She worked her way over to me. And when she got to me Jay walked in. "Whoa, I knew you guys were hot but I didn't think it was for each other," he said. "We got intruders in the boat so we're gonna trap them," he said. "Its two men, I recognize both of them," he said. "They should be here any second, about the same time that the poison kicks in," he said. Ace fell over next to me. He had foam coming out of his mouth. He was shaking all over. I saw the door open. It was Shane and Avry. KAPOW! Jay shot Avry's dad right in the shoulder. Jay walked out the room after Avry. "Avry!" I yelled. I heard Jay say something in the other room. "I told you not come after us," he said. Avry was glaring at him. He looked pissed.  "I told you and the old man not follow me," he said. "Yeah," he sighed. "You should've listened," he said. "Yeah, because gonna hurt," he said. All his men jumped on Avry. They were punching him and kicking him. Meanwhile Ace and Shane were dying. Shane crawled over to Ace. "Ace, wake up son," he cried. Sat over his son's body. Foam still coming out of his mouth. He stopped shaking after a few minutes. That's when they stopped hitting Avry. They carried Avry in the room and threw him on the ground in front of us. He opened his eyes. He started crawling towards me. He had blood and cuts all over his face. He could barely open his eyes. He got as close as he could. Then Jay kicked him in the chest. Avry coughed and held his chest. He was coughing up blood. After he stopped coughing he was lying on the ground not moving. I looked over at Shane he was hugging Ace's body. I saw Ace's eyes open. His eyes had no color.......he had turned. "Shane get off him, he turned!" I yelled. Ace dug in to Shane's neck. Shane just sat there and let it happen. He didn't scream or anything. "Oh God, someone throw them overboard," Jay said. A few men grabbed them and took them out of the room. Jay grabbed Avry and set him back to back with me. He tied Avry's hands behind his back then walked out of the room. I started shaking Avry trying to wake him up. "Avry wake up!" I said. He fell back next to me. I thought he was dead. He slowly opened his eyes. He looked at me. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Never been better," he said sarcastically. He looked around the room checking to see if anyone was in the room. "Where's my dad and Ace?" he asked. I couldn't tell him they were dead. "They were put in another room," I said. "Alright, we need a way out, you got any ideas?" he asked. I looked over at Candi. "Yeah, I do," I said.

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