Chapter 53, Narrator: Xavie

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KAPOW! We heard a gunshot coming from outside the cafeteria. We all ran outside. We saw Rian on top of Raul. Rian was punching him hard. He wouldn't stop. Raul was starting to bleed all over. Avry came up behind up. "Stop!" he yelled as he tried to pull him off. "He killed Lonza, then tried to kill Lydia, then me!" he yelled as he came in for another punch. Rian had already beaten him to death. He wasn't moving anymore. He wasn't breathing either. He barely even had a head. It was smashed all over the ground. Blood all over. But Rian, he was still punching him. After a few minutes Rian gave up. He sat there away from the body. Blood all over him. Lydia had walked over to him. She had marks on her neck. I guess Raul tried to hang her. She was cleaning Rian's hand. "The glove damn near broke your knuckles," she said. "At least you don't need stitches," she said. I didn't want to be at the school while people were sorting things out. I walked over to Avry. "Hey Avry," I said. "Can you come with me?" I asked. "Where?" he asked. "I don't know, somewhere," I said. "Yeah, just give me a minute," he said. He went and grabbed his stuff. Then he went and hugged his sister and told her he'd be back later. We were in the grey truck. We drove to the police station. They were doing alright. They were finding more people. They said they had found one guy in the army. His name was Donovan. He said that he was around when they started shutting the bases down. After we talked to them for a while we got back to driving. Avry said that Danny told him where some supplies were. He said he'd just forgotten about them. We were going to AC Flora. We were walking through the school looking for where the supplies were. They were hidden somewhere. We ended up finding them in the gym. They only had food. I guess they used all their guns against us. Their wasn't much food but it was good enough. We were still looking around the city though. We stopped a few blocks up the road from the station. We saw a lot of burned roamers. Some were still moving. We stopped at an apartment building. "Lets check it," I said. We checked the first floor and didn't find anything. I heard noises outside so I looked through the window. It wasn't a roamer or a person. It was hail hitting the truck. "Damn, it's bad out there," Avry said. "Looks like we gotta stay here until it's done out there," I said. "Yeah, while we're here let's check upstairs," he said. We walked upstairs and started checking rooms. The place was mostly empty. Their were a few knives but that was it. KAPOW! KAPOW! KAPOW! Their was someone shooting upstairs. They kept shooting. We walked upstairs and approached the room. I saw three men with their guns pointed at a man and a woman. They had a baby. The man was shielding the woman and baby. They had to be a couple. Their were bodies on the ground. One of the men shot the husband in the head. He went to grab the woman and the baby. That's when Avry and I stepped in. We both shot one. KAPOW! He shot the woman. KAPOW! Avry shot him in the head. We both walked over to the woman to see where she was shot. She'd been shot in the head, She was dead. The baby started to cry. I looked over at Avry. He picked the baby up. "If it's done hailing we gotta leave," he said. I looked outside and it was still hailing. "It's not done out there, shouldn't be much longer though," I said. "What do we do with the baby? I didn't bring any baby food," he said. "Maybe there's something around here," I said. I looked through all the cabinets but didn't find anything. We checked the baby's mother's bag. Their was apple sauce and other baby food, it also had diapers. "Here," I said and handed him the bag. "Thanks, this should last until we can get to the airport and get London's food," he said. "This situation reminds me of London," he said. "How?" I asked. "I found her mom bitten, I had to put her down, then I had to take care of her," he said. "So what are you naming it?" I asked trying to change the subject. "I don't know, I don't even know if it's a boy or a girl yet," he said. I looked out the window. It had stopped hailing. "It stopped hailing, you ready to go?" I asked. "Yeah," he said. We put what we found in the back of the truck then got in. I was driving and he was holding the baby. "Yeah, he's a boy," he said. "How do you know?" I asked. "I just changed him," he said. "Now you gotta think of a name," I said. "Yeah, we'll see what everyone at the school thinks," he said. "Well, to be fair, we did find him. Shouldn't we name him?" I asked. "Maybe," he said. The whole drive their we were thinking of a name. We came up with Edward. Avry said that was his grandpa's name. I liked it. We pulled in to the school. Everyone seemed relaxed, which was good considering what happened earlier. Quanterria came up to us to see the baby. "Aww, another baby," she said. "Here, you wanna hold him," Avry said as he got close enough for her to grab him. "Yeah, what's his name?" she asked. "That's, little Edward," he said. "Where's his parents?" she asked. "They didn't make it," he said. I walked away and let them talk for a bit. When we were driving back we decided that me and him would take care of the baby.

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