Chapter 92, Narrator: Avry

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I looked down the scope. The target was a man with a long black beard. He had a red jacket on. I saw him standing by himself. KAPOW! He fell to the ground. I packed up the sniper and started walking back. It'd been about a month since the whole Jacob thing. When I was laying in the hospital bed Leo came to me. He said that he would let it slide but I had to do something for him. So any time there was a problem with someone I had to take them out. But I had to do it without being seen. Almost like an assassin. I started walking down the stairs of the building. But what Leo didn't know is that while taking out the people he told me, I was killing all the bases on the map. Over the past week I killed about thirty people. My next target was at a bar. I wore a hat and a hood with sunglasses. While the bartender and him were distracted I put crushed glass in his drink. He didn't drink any. He might've saw me. He was staring at me. "What'd you put in here?" he asked. I looked around me. "Excuse me?" I said. "I saw you put something in my drink," he said. "Look man, I don't even know you," I said. "That's why it's so weird," he said. I realized their was no escaping. I had a glass cup in my hand. I smashed it on his head. My gloves blocked the glass. I guess bar fights were normal there. But while everyone was distracted I stabbed the man in the head. I turned around and saw Aaron. "What the fuck?" he said. I pushed past him. "Who are you!?!" he yelled from behind me. This is when I started running. I ran to the closest ladder their was. I climbed fast. I saw him behind me. "Don't make me shoot," he said. I got to the top. KAPOW! I could almost feel the bullet go past me. I started running while I was still ahead. I slid down the next ladder and ran to my house. I made sure to take off the disguise before going inside. Adam moved in with us. It was me, Mary, Adam, and Lizzy. "Avry," Adam said. "Yeah," I said. "That guy has been sitting in his car outside our house all day," he said. "He's creeping me out," he said. I looked through the blinds. I saw the car pull out of the driveway. I saw machine gun point out the window. He fired and the window shattered. "Get down!" I yelled. I pulled out Jacob's revolver. I fired two shots. "Who the fuck are you!?!" I yelled. "Adam, go and get your gun, cover me!" I yelled. He ran upstairs. He came back a second later. "I'm gonna run for his car, shoot until I get there!" I said. He stopped firing. I ran outside. He fired at me. I jumped in to the bush next to me. Adam started firing. The car's windows shattered. All the firing stopped. I snuck up to the car. I raised up and aimed the gun at the man. He was dead, Adam shot him. "You got him," I said. "Go see if Lizzy and Mary are okay," I said. I searched what he had on him. After searching him, I realized that he must've been following me for a while. I stabbed him in the head so he wouldn't turn. Mary cane outside with Lizzy. "Careful, there's glass," I said. "Who was it?" Mary asked. "I don't know," I said. "Is everyone okay?" I asked. "Yeah, we're fine, what about you?" she asked. "I'm okay," I said. "You've got cuts all over your arms!" she said. I looked at my arms. I hadn't even realized I was cut. "I'll be alright," I said. "You guys go see if Akilah will let you stay with her," I said. "I'm not going anywhere," Adam said. "Yes you are, I'm gonna stay here, in case someone else comes," I said. They all left. Cole was walking and saw what happened.  "What happened here?" Cole asked. "Someone shot up the house," I said. "You know who?" he asked. "Not a clue," I said. "I gotta clean this mess up," I said. I went inside and grabbed a broom. When I came back Cole had a broom too. "How you been man?" he asked as we started to sweep the glass in to a pile. "I still get headaches a lot," I said. "And Mikhayla said she still gets nightmares," I said. "Destiny's arm healed though," I said. Leo's truck pulled up. "What happened here?" he asked. I pointed at the man in the car. "He shot up my house, Adam shot him," I said. "That's actually what I needed to talk to you about," he said and pulled me to the side. "What's up," I said. "There's been some problems with him and a few kids his age," he said. "Like?" I said. "He pulled a gun on a couple kids, I need his gun," he said. "I knew he was getting picked on but I didn't think it was that bad," I said. "That's why I need his gun," he said. "I'll get it from him," I said. "Is that all you needed to talk to me about?" I asked. He pulled me close. "Your next job, is at that bank, I've got the gun there, the target will be wearing a red hat," he said. He got in his truck and drove away. The thought of that place made my stomach uneasy. Almost as uneasy as Adam getting picked on. "Who's gonna be wearing a red hat?" Cole asked. "Huh?" I said. "Leo said something about a man with a red hat," he said. "Oh it's nothing, just some parent I need to talk to," I said. That lie was quick and easy. I had to take this guy out quick or someone will find out.

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