Chapter 10, Narrator: Avry

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When I woke up everyone else was already awake. Everyone was talking and getting ready to build the wall. I walk over to Tyler, I had to convince him to go to the school. "Hey Tyler," I said. "What's up," he said. "I'm going to the middle school today to get some supplies you should come with me," I said. "What about Jabrel?" he asked. I look up at him I see him with Alex and Akilah. "Nah, I think he should spend some time with his sister," I said. "Alright then, let's go," he said. We walk to the van I told him he could drive. It was a silent trip but not when we got out. "So Tyler, I need to talk to you about something," I said. "What it is?" he asked. I was struggling to speak now. "We found some weed being grown and a lot of water bottles near it," I said. "I don't know anything about that," he said. I knew he was lying I was starting to get mad. "I know it was you Danny told us, I'm not gonna let you waste our supplies on your addiction," I said. "You gonna stop me?" he asked. I was gonna say something smart but I bit my tongue on that one. "Anthony is on our side and everyone else will be too," I said. "So that's what you asked me out here for," he said. "Yep, sure did," I said. "What were you planning on doing, leaving me here?" he asked. "No, but I think you should know, we burned all your weed so you can't waste supplies anymore anyways," I said. Then his facial expression completely changed. He threw a punch at me and hit me in the jaw. I throw a punch back and knocked him in the nose. At this point he pissed me off. So before he could throw another punch I slam him to the ground. "So Tyler, you always said you could beat me, you still think so?" I asked. He drew his gun and pointed it at me. Now that anger turned in to fear. "Tyler don't do it, it's not worth it," I said. KAPOW! I fell straight down and blacked out immediately. I was in a lot of pain. That was the second time I had been shot. I could hear thunder, and felt rain drip on me. I could hear footsteps, I thought it was a roamers. I was pretty sure I was gonna die. Then someone lifts me up on the shoulder. "Hey are you okay?" he asked. He looked no older than 16. Speaking of age today was my birthday. Thanks Tyler for your birthday present. "Hey, are you there?" he asked. I couldn't speak so I just shook my head no. I blacked out again. I felt the rain stop and me get put in a car. When I woke up I felt a little better. I had got shot in the shoulder. Their was a bandage on it. I stood up and stretched. I was in an apartment triplex. I remembered because I used to live in this one a few years ago. "Oh you're up" the kid who saved me said. I looked around their were candles lit. "Who are you?" I asked. "My name is Miles," he said. "How'd I get here?" I asked. "I brought you here, their were dead everywhere and I saw you get shot, I had to wait for that dude to leave," he said. "I need to get back," I said. "No way in hell I'm letting you leave yet," he said. "Why?" I asked. "If I let you leave you might die," he said. "Wow, I feel like an asshole," I said. "You saved my life, thank you," I said. "Its no problem, people gotta look out for each other," he said. When he said that I remembered the people we killed in the beginning. "You got a camp?" he asked. "Yeah, LR high school," I said. "Oh I was zoned for there before I moved, that's where most of my friends were," he said. "Their are 17 of us, we have a lot of supplies," I said. "I can take you there when I'm able," I said. "You should be able to tomorrow afternoon," he said. "So what we're you doing before all this?" he asked. "I was at my graduation ceremony, I was gonna go to a medical college," I said. "I worked at a food lion," he said. "So, do you have anyone besides yourself?" I asked. "I'm glad you asked, one of my people said they knew you," he said. "He's awake!" He shouted. I heard loud footsteps coming up the stairs. And I see a girl with dark curly hair. It was my cousin Madison. "Madison," I said. She came and hugged me. I hadn't seen any of my family since the beginning. "Where's Cassidy?" I asked. Cassidy was Madison's sister. "She didn't make it," Miles said. "How old are you now?" I asked trying to change the subject. "I'm 15," she said. "So it's just you two?" I asked. "Their were more but they didn't make it either," she said. "That's too bad," I said. "Do you guys have any guns?" I asked. "Just one," Miles said. "That's not good," I said. "I have two guns with my stuff," I said. "Yeah we saw, we also saw your family photo," he said while smiling. "You should get some sleep Avry," Madison said. "Alright," I said. I had practically slept all day but I was still tired. Worst birthday ever. I just had to be ready for tomorrow. I went to sleep with the thought of what everyone's reaction was to me not coming back. I wondered what he told them. Maybe he told them I got bit. I just hope someone figured out what was actually going on. I needed to get back. Then when everyone knew what he did we would figure out what to do with Tyler. I couldn't let him hurt anyone else. I couldn't let him get away with shooting me. I needed to sleep on this.

The Walking Dead: Nothing Left But HellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora