Chapter 20, Narrator: Akilah

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Avry and I were gonna go on a run instead of going to Missouri. "Alright we have enough stuff to last a day," I said. "Good, if we get trapped that's what we live off of," he said. "Avry!" Lydia shouted. "What?" he asked. "Something's wrong with Madison," she said. Avry ran with her back to where Madison was. I walked over there too because I wanted to make sure she was okay. She's a sweet kid, I got to know her for the hour we were looking for people. I walked in the room and she was crying almost screaming. Their was blood coming out of her ears. She was latched on to Avry. "Who are they!?!" she asked. She was trembling. "Who are these people how do they know me?" she asked. "These are our friends," he said. "I don't know any of them," she said. "Where's Cassidy and my mom and dad?" she asked. "Madison what are you talking about?" he asked. "They've been gone a while, you told me Cassidy killed herself after your mom died," he said. "No....what are you-" she passed out before finishing what she said. Avry caught her. "What the hell is wrong with her?" he asked. Avry was changing from pale to red within seconds. "She might have amnesia from the concussion," I said. I'm no doctor but that's the only thing I could think of. "Avry I think she's right but I don't know about her ears bleeding," Lydia said. Avry lifted her up and laid her back down. "Akilah let's go ahead and leave," he said. "I need to clear my head," he said. Since it was just us and we were bringing duffle bags we took the motorcycle. He drove of course, I don't know how to drive a motorcycle. We were gonna check to see if anyone was at any other schools. We were starting on AC Flora first. It didn't take us long to get there. There were no roamers and it was quiet. "Just in case their are people we should stick together," he said. "Yeah, let's check the cafeteria," I said. We walked around the school trying to find the cafeteria. The place was empty as far as we could see. We went all around and then finally found the cafeteria. Their were no windows and it was dark. Avry pulled out a flashlight. "You open the door and I'll look in, you just make sure you have my back," he said. He walked in and flashed the flashlight around the room. He gave me a hand signal telling me to come in and shut the door quietly. We walked in and in the corner we could see candles lit. We walked closer and the candles went back where the food was stored. We walked closer and closer. I saw Avry lower his gun. "Hey," he said. I walked beside him and saw a girl with black hair and freckles. "Hi," she said. "What's your name?" I asked. "Savannah," she said quietly. She sounded like she was scared. "I'm Avry and that's Akilah," Avry said. "Do you have any other people here?" he asked. "No it's just me and I don't have any weapons," she said. "Well you obviously have a lot of food," he said. "Yeah, I have the lights turned off so it looks empty," she said. "We have a place, you can come with us but we need to get you a car," he said. "We came on a bike and we wouldn't want one of you to fall off," he said. "I have a car in the parking lot," she said. "Good, here's a knife," he said and passed her his knife. "If their are only a few use your knives, I'll pistol whip them," he said. She grabbed the knife. We walked to the parking lot and saw she actually had a car. We started filling the car with her food and some of the medical supplies from the nurse's office. Avry filled a duffle bag and got on the bike. I got on behind him and we started driving. Savannah was driving right beside us. "So how many people are with you?" she asked trying to talk loud enough for us to hear. "A lot!" I shouted. We made it back to the airport but the people at the gate wouldn't let Savannah in. "Why the fuck not?" Avry asked. "She has supplies, let her in," I said. This was one of the nice guys, I could tell. He just didn't want anyone yelling at him. "Alirght," he sighed. He opened the gate and let us in. We walked in and walked to where Madison was. Miles was there explaining what all happened. He had been with her before everything happened. So Avry and I left them alone. We had showed Savannah around the airport and introduced her to everyone in out group. Mark told her that their was a situation and that our people were separated from his. That made explaining why we couldn't introduce her to them easier. I didn't try to know any of them. Leonardo and Mark were the only sane ones. Mark said he wasn't gonna have everyone separated much longer. I think he is getting irritated. I just hoped that the other people wouldn't try and start a fight. But it was still early so I went to take a walk. I walked along the fence. Their were roamers here and there, but I killed them. The airport we were staying at was huge. I had walked about fifteen minutes and hadn't made it that far from where I had started walking. Mikhayla had started walking beside me. "Hey," she said. "Hey," I said back. "So what how did you guys find us?" she asked. "Well we found our van," I said. "None of us drove it, and Quanterria and Destiny were with Avry's dad," she said. "That's weird," I said. "What if whoever had it expected it to be there and went after you guys?" she asked. "Their wasn't anything in it so I don't think it matters," I said. I really started to doubt that when I saw it. Their were chains with heads on them. I touched the blood and it was warm. It had to have just happened. "Who do you think did this?" I asked. "I don't know but they don't like us, or like Mark's group," she said.

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