Chapter 19, Narrator: Madison

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"Hi, I'm Leonardo," he said. "Come on in," he said. Danny walked in first and everyone followed after him. The baby was crying and Mary was trying to fill its bottle with baby formula. I walked in behind Mary I looked around and saw luggage from the planes on the ground. Most of it looked cleared out. Everyone was here now. We all caught up for a little bit. I heard yelling in the distance it sounded like Avry. "Fuck you!" he yelled. "Get back here!" the other man yelled. Avry walked over to us. "Where do we stay?" he asked. "Right up here," Leonardo said. He walked us inside. I never asked him what was wrong. I never asked who he was talking to. But I overheard them say it was his dad. I knew Avry didn't like his dad but you'd think it wouldn't matter now. I wanted to ask if he was okay but he still looked mad. Akilah and him were going to Missouri tomorrow. I want to go with him but I'm not sure if he'll let me. I walked over to where him and Akilah were packing stuff. "Hey, Avry?" I said. "Yeah?" he said. "Can I come to Missouri with you?" I asked. "Umm........yes, I don't wanna leave you if I don't end up coming back," he said. "We're gonna come back," Akilah said. "We don't know what's gonna happen," he said. "I never thought you would make this trip though," she said. While they had argued like an old married couple I went to go look around the airport. Their were four planes spread around the place. I went in the first one I saw. Their were bags of clothes and other small stuff. I searched through them to see what all I could find. I found a few books and a lot of clothes. I found a few I could fit in to. I found a suitcase filled with money. It wasn't useful but their were coins. If roamers follow noise, I could find a way to make noise with those. I put a little bag of coins in my pocket. I walked out of the plane. "What we're you doing?" Lydia asked. "I was looking around," I said. "Don't get too comfortable here, I don't like the way some of these people act," she said. "Why?" I asked. "Well when we first got here that one guy attacked Mikhayla because she wanted to leave and look for us," she said. "Are you trying to say they aren't gonna let us leave?" I asked. "We'll see when you guys try and leave tomorrow," she said. Lydia might've been right. I tried to walk outside the gate. Avry's dad and the kid both stopped me. "I'm gonna have to ask you to step back," he said. "I'm just trying to go outside," I said. "I can't let you," he said. I walked away to go get Avry. "Avry!" I yelled. "Avry!" I yelled again. I look back and forth to find where he was. And I got hit with something. I could feel blood going down my head. I see Avry run up and knock the guy on the ground. I couldn't hear anything. I could barely keep my eyes open. But I could see Avry and Akilah both speaking to me but I couldn't hear them. My ears were ringing. I saw Danny punching the guy who hit me. I closed my eyes and passed out. I woke up and I was laying on my stomach with a bandage on my head. I looked up and saw Lydia sitting in a chair. "Lay your head back down, you might have a concussion," she said. "You got hit pretty hard, they hit you with a hammer," she said. "You could've died, but I made sure you didn't," she said. "Thanks," I said. "You slept until this morning," she said. "I slept almost a whole day?" I asked. "Yeah, Avry said they wouldn't go to Missouri until they knew you were better," she said. "Who hit me?" I asked. "We don't know, Leonardo and Mark separated us," she said. "Avry's dad wouldn't let me leave," I said. "Speaking of he's on their side, when Avry freaked out about what happened he just pretended like it was nothing," she said. "Everyone wants to see you," she said. "Bring them in," I said. Avry immediately came over and hugged me. "Are you okay?" he asked while still hugging me. "I'm fine my head just hurts," I said. Everyone tried to wanted to make sure I was okay. Miles was happy to see I was okay. Miles was one of my only friends. He always made me feel better. He was sitting in the room making weird noises just to make me laugh. But he had to leave to get me something to eat. Everyone else left to let me sleep. Miles came back with a bottle of water and some food. "Here you go," he said and handed me a plate. It had two pancakes on them and some syrup. "Thanks," I said. I ate it slowly because my body felt like it was shaking and I didn't want to throw up all over Miles. "You had us really scared, you know," he said. "We all care about you," he said. "I know," I said. "You're still a kid and so am I, be careful," he said. "Their are no kids anymore, just the people who are alive and the ones who are dead," I said. "Madison, don't die on me, you're my best friend," he said. Miles and I had been with each other from the beginning, he was the only person I could really talk to. We were lucky to find each other again. "So how long am I gonna be stuck in bed?" I asked. "Maybe another day, but I'll be here with you so you don't get lonely," he said. "That's good," I said. I ate my food and drank my water. Then my ears started to ring again. I put my hands on my ears and they were bleeding. I started to pass out again.

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