Chapter 117, Narrator: Aaron

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We were standing at the riverside. Their were arrows stuck in a log. "I don't see anyone Mary," I said. I heard yelling. "You hear that?" she asked. "Yeah," I said. I looked at the other side of the river. I saw someone waving their arms frantically. I could barely see who it was. "Lets go, we gotta get across the bridge," Mary said as she ran up the hill. I followed her up. We ran across the bridge. We saw two people sitting next to a van. It was Karen and Marquel. "Hey," I said. "Hey," Karen said. "We saw you guys across the river, we were so happy," she said. "You guys have a clue where anyone else could be?" I asked. "No, we don't even know who made it," Marquel said. "I don't either," I said. "We better find some kind of cover," Karen said. "We have a house not far down the road," Mary said. We drove them to the house. We unpacked what they had with them. They still had stuff from when they came from Gideon. So we had a decent amount of supplies. We started making this a base. We were setting cars up around the place to block roamers. We had bricks under them so nothing could crawl under. "You guys think it'll hold?" I asked. "It better," Karen said. Mary walked inside. "Is she okay?" Karen asked. "No, she's pretty messed up right now," I said. "I'm gonna check on her," she said. Karen followed Mary inside. "You know, I expected St. Louis to last with Leo out of the way," Marquel said. That statement threw me off because Marquel got there after Leo died. "How do you know Leo?" I asked. "In Gideon, we were in a military base. We were in contact with St. Louis. Leo came and took over St. Louis. Karen's dad, a man named Thomas was being deployed there as it happened. We never heard from him again," he said. "I never met anyone named Thomas that lived there," I said. "Maybe he got the news and went another direction," he said. "I hope so, I hope you guys find him," I said. I started walking the perimeter of the house. I heard groaning. I figured a roamer got stuck on a car, but I was wrong. Their was a herde coming. They didn't see me. I quietly snuck back to the front. Marquel was still standing out front. "Marquel inside!" I half whispered half shouted. He walked inside. I ran behind him making sure to quietly shut the door. "What's going on?" he asked. "A herde, there's a herde passing by," I said. "Did they see you?" he asked. "No, I made sure," I said. "You should go tell the girls," he said. I walked up the stairs. Their door was open. I could hear them talking. "I'm never gonna see Avry again," she said. I stopped myself from going in. I waited a few seconds, it was silent for those few seconds. I knocked on the door. I poked my head in. "We have a herde passing by, try not to make any loud noises," I said. I started walking back down stairs. I saw Marquel messing with the radio. "Aaron I got someone on the other end," he said. "We are holding out at a shell station," the man on the radio said. "Could you meet up with us?" Marquel asked. "You name the place," the man on the radio said. "We'll meet at the bridge outside of St. Louis," Marquel said. "We'll meet there in about three hours," the man on the radio said. "Okay, Marquel out," Marquel said and turned off the radio. "We need to be ready to leave in about two hours," he said. I walked upstairs. "Hey, Marquel said to be ready to leave in a couple of hours," I said. "Leave? Where are we going?" Mary asked. "He made contact with someone on the radio," I said. "We aren't going anywhere," Karen said. "Why?" I asked. "The herde is still here," she said. "You need to draw them away somehow," she said. "I'll figure it out," I said. I started searching everywhere. Their had to be a secret drawer or something. I was searching everything. I went to the bathroom. I couldn't find anything. I was getting aggravated. I looked in the mirror. I still had a mark on my face. I punched the mirror. It cracked all over. I couldn't see my reflection anymore. The only thing I could really see was the toilet. I turned around. I looked in the commode and saw a flare gun. Now I had to find something to shoot it at, and somewhere to shoot it from. "Karen, I found a flare, where do I shoot it?" I asked. "Get in the attic, open the window, shoot somewhere in the woods," she said. I pulled the latch down for the attic. I started walking up. The attic was completely empty. It looked as if someone completely cleared the place out. I walked to the window. I opened it up and walked to the top of the house. I saw a big pile of leaves. It looked like someone raked. I shot the pile of leaves. The roamers immediately followed the flare. The flare was started a forest fire. We all packed our stuff in the car and got out before they saw us. We didn't stop until we made it to the bridge. We sat there for about twenty minutes. "Marquel, where are they?" Karen asked. "They'll be here," he said. We sat for another ten minutes. "Alright, that's it, we're leaving," Karen said. I saw a car pull up. "Wait, there they are," I said. A man got out of the car. "You must be Marquel," he said. "I'm Jonothan," he said. I saw the back doors of his car open. I saw Destiny and Mikhayla get out. "You guys made it," I said.

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