Chapter 121, Beginning of Vol. 9, Narrator: Aaron

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We were in a pharmacy. We were trying to find anything we could to help Mikhayla, but we ran in to trouble. Destiny went to search a place closer to the city. She didn't give us a chance to change her mind. There were some roamers inside. I swung a machete at one slicing the top of his head off. I looked over and saw Marquel being surrounded by three. I killed one and he killed one. Jonothan killed the third one. "Alright guys, we're clear," Jonothan said. We started searching. "Anything that looks useful, put it in the bag," I said. I grabbed anything that looked like medicine. There were a few cans of food. I went to the back office. The door had been busted open. That looked like it was where the roamers came from. I saw a man. He was torn down to nothing. There was a pistol in his hand. I grabbed it. I put it in my bag. The poor guy had only one way out. It looked like he moved a few things in to the office. He had a bed in there. I saw at the end of the bed, a golden pair of brass knuckles. I put them in my pocket. I was going to keep them. "Alright guys, let's head out!" Marquel said. We all got in the car. "You guys find anything?" Marquel asked. "I found a few bottles of pills," Jonothan said. "I found some medicine, some food, a pistol, and a pair of brass knuckles," I said. "Well, it looks like you win," Marquel said. "You think things are okay back home?" I asked. "I hope so," Marquel said. "We need a plan," Jonothan said. "Before we found you guys, Mary and I were thinking about heading back to South Carolina," I said. "That's a long trip," Marquel said. "There are places we can fix up," I said. "John and I used to just drive through places, we only stopped for food, water and gas," I said. "As long as we stay near Swansea or Eastover, we'll be okay," I said. "We'll talk it through when we get back," Jonothan said. "We find a few good vehicles and then siphon as much fuel as possible," Marquel said. "Everyone needs a job," Jonothan said. "We'll assign search parties when we get back home," he said. We pulled up to the house. Their was an RV parked outside. It wasn't ours. "Someone's here," I said. "Yeah, be cautious heading in," Marquel said. I pulled out the pistol from the pharmacy. "I'll go in first, you guys wait for my signal," I said. "Got it," Jonothan said. I slowly went inside. Nobody was down stairs. I walked upstairs. I heard talking. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you," a woman said. I opened the door. Akilah was sitting next to Mikhayla. Destiny was there too. I guess she made it back. They both had tears in their eyes. "What happened?" I asked. "She just.....she just passed," Karen said as she glanced back at us. "Its all my fault," Akilah said. I put my hand on her shoulder. "Its okay," I said. "I'm happy to see you," I said. She wiped her tears. She pulled out her knife. "I have to make sure she doesn't come back," she said. I put my hand on her arm. "I'll do it," I said. "Why?" she asked. "You've known her since you were a kid, you shouldn't have to do this," I said. She stepped back. Everyone left the room. I pulled my knife out. I walked over to her. I couldn't look at her face. I put a sheet over her. I held my knife over her head. I slowly pressed down. The knife went through. The blood started covering the sheets. I set my knife on the ground. I wrapped her in the sheet. I carried her downstairs, then outside. Cole and I grabbed shovels. He helped me bury her. "You okay Aaron?" he asked. "Yeah, you?" I asked. "I'm not too sure," he said. "The whole world is falling apart around me," he said. "Mikhayla was one of the nicest people I met, and....we killed her," he said. "What!?!" I asked. "We were in the watch towers, Mikhayla and Destiny were walking through the crowd. We couldn't tell them apart from roamers. Akilah fired, and hit her in the shoulder. She feels so guilty, and I wanna be there for her," he said. "Then go check on her, I'll finish this," I said. "I don't wanna make her more upset," he said. "I'm not gonna convince you to, do what you think is best," I said. We didn't say much after that. We finished burying her. We all sat downstairs. I was sitting in a wooden chair, my cheek resting on my fist. "Alright guys," Jonothan said. "While we were gone we made a plan," he said. "I think it's a good one, probably our best chance at this point," he said. "What is it?" Akilah asked. "The idea, is to head to South Carolina," Jonothan said. "Why we left there a year ago," Akilah said. "John and I used to ride around, we passed by a few places, they could be fortified," I said. "We don't have the supplies to make it there," Karen said. "I don't know much about you guys, but I do know you guys know what you're doing," Jonothan said. "As long as we plan things out, we can do this," he said. "We need three groups," he said. "Two people have to stay here, and get fuel out of all the vehicles," he said. "I'll stay," I said. "Me too," Mary said. "We need a group of three to find food and water," Jonothan said. "Destiny, Akilah and I can do that," Karen said. "Then that leaves, me, Marquel and Cole to get weapons and ammo," Jonothan said. "So we're all in agreement then?" he asked. "Yep, we're going to South Carolina," I said.

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