Chapter 139, Narrator: Cole

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"Alright, let's go," Avry said as he started handing people flashlights. "No, we can't," I said as I looked at the condition Mykell was in. "Why?" Avry asked. "Mykell can barely walk," I said. "If we get attacked in there we'll all die," I said. "We'll all die if we stay," he said. "Guys, I found a way," Mykell said. "Me and some others we'll climb up over there," he said and pointed where some cars were aligned to make steps up. "The cars don't seem that stable, looks like it only has a few trips left in it so we should split up," he said. "I'll go through the tunnel," Avry said. "Why, you're not doing so hot either," I said. "Hey, it's gotta get done," he said. "I'll go with Mykell," Destiny said. "Me too," Akilah said. "Are you sure Akilah, it's gonna be pretty hard to climb up with one hand," Avry said as he looked at her nub. "Yeah, I guess I kinda forgot it was gone," Akilah said and looked down. "Avry, Akilah and I will go through the tunnel, you guys meet us at the other side," Aaron said. "We'll meet you there," I said. "Hey, if we any of us make it there and the other group hasn't made it yet, wait an hour. If no one shows up then find us in Swansea," he said. Avry handed everyone a flashlight. He handed my group half of the guns. "So everyone has a fair chance," he said. Him and his group walked in to the tunnel. I was scared that this was gonna be the last time I saw Akilah and I didn't say anything. "You alright Cole?" Destiny asked. "Yeah, I'm just hoping Akilah will be okay," I said. "She's a tough girl," she said. "Let's go guys," Mykell said. Destiny and I helped Mykell up first. Then I helped Destiny up. I was about to climb up and then I heard groans. I turned back and see four roamers. "Better hurry," Destiny said as she held out her hand to me. "No, I need to take care of them, or they'll follow Akilah and the others," I said as I pulled out my knife. "Cole, wait," she said. "No, I got it," I said. I stabbed the first one and threw him at the next causing them to stumble all over each other. I went to stab the second one and my blade broke completely off the handle. "Shit," I said as I threw the handle on the ground. Two were still standing and I didn't have a weapon. "Move so I can shoot it!" Mykell yelled. "No! The noise will bring more!" I yelled. I was steady backing away from the roamers. "Cole! Catch!" Destiny said. I turned and saw her axe in the air. I caught it and slashed the first roamer. I kicked the second one's leg and slammed the axe in to it's skull causing blood to splatter all over me. I walked back over to Destiny and Mykell I handed her the axe, then climbed up. We climbed up on top of the tunnel. It looked like it was gonna be a long walk, but the path was clear. "Alright, let's do this as fast as we can," I said. We all started walking across. The path was long so it wasn't gonna be a short trip. It would take us at least an hour before we get there. There were fallen trees all over the path, most of them looked pretty easy to get around. "Destiny, you think we can chop some of the trees and move them out of the way?" I asked. "Yeah, it'd take a bit, but it seems easier than trying to climb over all of it," she said. "I'll chop first," I said. "You just want my axe," she said with a chuckle as she handed me her axe. "I'm gonna take a look at Mykell," she said as she walked over to him. I went over to the fallen trees. I started chopping. They were thin trees but I had to chop a clear path so that Mykell wouldn't have to push himself too hard. The first trees were the harder ones to chop. Once I got to the ones at the bottom it got easier. It took me about an hour to clear them up. I wiped the sweat from my face. I walked back over to Destiny and Mykell to let them know we were clear. Destiny was feeling Mykell's forehead. "Mykell you're burning up," Destiny said. "What's wrong?" I asked as I set Destiny's axe down next to her. He was silent. "I....I didn't wanna say anything, I didn't wanna seem like a lost cause," Mykell said. "What do you mean?" I asked. He pulled up his shirt revealing a bite on his stomach. "Oh no....," Destiny said and rubbed her forehead. "I wanted to fight for as long as I could. I'm still going too," Mykell said. "I was hoping that you guys wouldn't find out until I was almost done," he said. "Mykell, you should've never taken the herde with you," I said. "I didn't want anyone else to die," he said. "I wanted to prove Avry wrong, like how we did back at the gym in St. Louis," he said. "We can't leave yet," Destiny said. "We have to, we'll be left behind if we don't keep moving," I said. "But Cole-," Destiny said. "No he's right, I'm gonna keep fighting, I'm not dead yet," Mykell said. "I....I ugh, I finished moving the trees out of the way," I said. KAPOW! KAPOW! KAPOW! The gunshots continued. It sounded like it was below us. We started hurrying to the other side. It took us about twenty minutes to get to the other side. We got down and started searching for the others. "Guys!" someone said from the tunnel. I looked and saw not three, but two people. We lost someone.

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