Chapter 138, Narrator: Destiny

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The rain was calming down. I could see the sun coming out. We started walking. "About how long until we get to SC?" Mykell asked. "Half a day if we have to go uphill anymore," Avry said as he looked at the map. "This your first time going?" Aaron asked. "Yeah," Mykell said. "Get ready to see the countryside then," Avry said. He folded the map and put it in his back pocket. "There should be a road right up this hill, we turn left and follow it for a few miles," he said. We walked up the hill and got on the road. "I hate to complain but this would be a lot easier with our vehicles," Cole said. "They wouldn't have made it uphill, trying to drive up that would've ended badly, someone would've ended up hurt," Avry said. "What happened to this being the end?" Aaron asked. "Can we just forget about that, I was drunk, I wasn't in my right mind," Avry said. I heard roamers behind us. "At this point I'm thinking it's true," Cole said as he looked at them. "Should we handle them?" Aaron asked. Some of them were pretty burnt up. There was a good many of them. At least a couple dozen. "No, there's to many. And if we shoot it'll cause problems later," Avry said. "We've gotta go through a tunnel, it'll be dark in there. If we shoot we'll get pinned with a shit ton of roamers," Avry said as he kept walking. We all walked side by side. The roamers were following behind us. They weren't as fast as us though. "How long do you think until we make it to the tunnel?" I asked. "Depends on what we run in to," Avry said. "We need to get these roamers off of us," Akilah said. "You think you can take them Avry?" she asked. "Not enough arrows, or time," Avry said. "We need to block their path," I said. "How? They'd get to us before we could do anything," Aaron said. "I don't know, we gotta do something though," I said. "I got this," Mykell said. "HEY! OVER HERE!" he said as he ran off the road. "What are you doing!?!" Avry asked. "I'LL MEET YOU AT THE TUNNEL! GO!" Mykell yelled while waving his arms. Most of the roamers started going after him. "Shit!" Avry said. He pulled out his bow. He shot one of the roamers. "Everyone stay back, I'll shoot as many as I can," he said. He shot about six of them before they made it to us. Then he held his arm. "Agh! I think I pulled something!" he said. "Knives!" Akilah said. There was about three left. They were getting close to Avry. I ran and slashed one of them with my axe. Avry slashed one with his knife and fell back. Akilah stabbed the last one. "Everyone okay?" I asked. "We need to stop for a second," Avry said. "I think I pulled a muscle," he said. "Here sit down, I'll take a look at you," I said. "I'll grab your arrows," Aaron said. Avry took off his jacket. I pulled up his shirt to see if his arm was red or anything. He was bleeding. His stitches came undone. "Oh thank God," I said with a large exhale. "What?" Avry asked. "I thought you were bit, you're stitches came loose," I said. "At least I didn't pull anything," he said. "You need to take it easy," I said. "I can't, not until we're safe," he said. "It doesn't all have to fall on your shoulders, we're a team," I said. Akilah handed Avry his arrows. "Look I know that you're a good shot with it, but you need to take a break, at least until you're arm heals," I said. "She's right," Akilah said and handed him some bullets for his gun. "It's been so long since I've shot one, I might not be any good," Avry said. "It's better than nothing," I said. "Let's get moving," he said. He put his arrows in his bag. "Guys before we go I need to point out something," Aaron said. "These roamers weren't burnt that long ago," he said. "Yeah, and?" Avry said. "There might be a fire nearby," he said. "Someone started a fire nearby," he said. "You're right," Avry said. "Just everyone keep your keep your eyes peeled, we might not be alone," Cole said. We kept walking down the road. "The tunnel isn't much farther ahead, keep an eye out for Mykell," Avry said. He was looking at the map. "This is good," he said. "If we keep at it, we could make it out of the tunnel before sunset," he said. I wiped some of the blood off of my axe. I was surprised that it lasted as long as it has. I remember finding it at Myrtle Beach over a year ago. "Alright, I see it," Avry said. I looked up and saw the tunnel. "The lights are out, try and use your flashlights sparingly," he said and passed everyone a flashlight. "Wait!" Aaron said. "We need to wait on Mykell," he said. "Oh damn, I forgot we were supposed to meet him here," Avry said. "Everyone take a look around, see if you can find anything," he said. Avry was back to being the leader he was supposed to be. Everyone started searching the area. I saw a dead roamer on the ground. The blood was still wet. "Well someone's been here," I said and pointed at the body. "Any blood or flesh in the mouth?" Avry asked. I got down and looked. "No, nothing," I said. I heard grunting. Mykell jumped out of some bushes. "Mykell, my god are you okay?" Akilah asked. "Those fuckers put up a hell of a fight," he said panting. "Did you get bit?" Aaron asked. "No, I don't think so," Mykell said. "Now that you guys are here, let's get moving," he said.

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