Chapter 12, Narrator: Avry

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"Avry what happened?" Akilah asked. We walked through the gate and in to the parking lot. "Well, I asked Tyler about the pot and we fought, then he shot me," I said and showed her my shoulder. "So he tried to kill you?" she asked. "Yeah, I would've died if Miles didn't save me," I said. "So what did Tyler tell you guys?" I asked. "That roamers got you," she said. "I'm gonna go tell everyone what happened," I said. I started walking to the gym and right as I opened the gym door Jabrel was walking out. "Avry you're alive," he said. "We'll have a welcome back party later," I said as I walked in to the gym. Tyler was standing their talking to Anthony. "Hey Tyler, I'm back," I said. He looked shocked to see me. "You're alive," he said. "Don't act like you're happy to see me, especially when you shot me!" I shouted. "What?" Anthony asked. "You said roamers got him," he said. "You thought I was dead didn't you," I said. "That was the plan," Tyler said. "You had to come back didn't you, this time I'll make sure you don't," he said as he drew his gun. KAPOW! Anthony shot the gun out of his hand. I ran at him and threw a punch at him and he fell over. "Avry look out," Quanterria said. I saw that Tyler drew his knife. He took a few swipes at me. I dodged everyone of them. I go to knock the knife out his hand and cuts in to my arm.  He yanked it out and took another swipe at me. I tried to dodge but it cut me right down my cheek. I pushed him back, I felt the blood dripping down my face. He almost stabbed me but I held it away from my chest it was getting closer and closer to my chest. Jabrel ran up to him and threw him off me. He got up and they both went for each other. Jabrel tried to pull his gun then Tyler stabbed Jabrel right in the stomach. He started to bleed out of his mouth. I ran at Tyler, he couldn't get the knife out of Jabrel. Jabrel was holding in his stomach. I ran at him and knocked him off Jabrel. I pulled out my gun but he already had his. He had it pointed right at my head. I grabbed his gun pushed at to my forehead. "This is what you want, you tried to kill me for trying to keep this from happening! Then you killed Jabrel! Do it.......Do it!" I shouted. He couldn't pull the trigger so grabbed the gun and pulled the trigger. I kept pulling the trigger until he was on the ground. I looked at everyone, they looked scared. Their was blood all over my arms and on my cheek. Madison and Miles were standing far away from everyone. I walked out of the gym and stood in the parking lot. Anthony walked out there with me. "Anthony I'm sorry, I know he was your brother, but he tried to kill me," I said. "I'm not, he killed Jabrel, he never acted like a brother. He always caused problems," he said. "We need to bury them," I said. "Yeah I know," he said. Akilah walked out the door. "Avry, Jabrel is gonna turn, someone has to put him down," she said. "Stay here," I said. I started to walk back inside and Anthony stopped me. "Avry I got this," he said. He walked inside and I sat there with Akilah. We sat in silence. KAPOW! Jabrel was gone. He was my best friend. I rubbed some of the dried up blood off my face. Some of my tears had washed it off. I kept thinking about what happened. I knew I should've just killed him. I was holding back. "Hey Avry, I got some shovels let's go bury them," Anthony said. We walked right beside the track field. I was burying Jabrel and he was burying Tyler. It took us a little bit. Alex showed Miles and Madison around. We got the bodies buried before dark. The rest of the day was quiet, no one really said anything. I wanted to do something to make everyone happy, but I wasn't even happy. I don't know how Akilah took it. I didn't know how anyone took it. I just knew how I was taking it. The first person we lose is my best friend the day after my birthday. Like I said before, worst birthday ever. I sat outside away from everyone else. It was late at least three in the morning. I was still in the parking lot. I hadn't moved since after I buried him. Their was still some blood on my face and arms. "Hey," Madison said. "What are you doing up?" I asked. "I could say the same to you," she said. "I came to check on you," she said. She had a bag with her. She pulled out some alcohol and a wash cloth. "You look like hell, let me clean you up," she said. It stung when the alcohol hit my face. "You may need stitches," she said. "I hope not," I said. She had gotten most of the blood off me. She said my arm would definitely need stitches. "Back at my old camp I was taught how to stitch people's wounds and what not, I can stitch your arm and maybe your cheek," she said. It took her an hour and a half to make sure she stitched me up right. "You should get some sleep Madison, you're still just a kid," I said. "I'll be fine," she said. The sun was rising. "I haven't seen the sunrise in a long time," I said. "Me either," she said. "Tomorrow is a new day, I have to let go of the past," I said. "That's smart," she said. "Madison, what happened to Cassidy?" I asked. "She killed herself after my mom died," she said. "Things were already bad, I guess that just pushed her to it," she said. "We haven't struggled with supplies, only people," I said. "I've been shot twice, I killed two people," I said. "They both shot me, and I fought both of them. The only difference was, is that one got lucky enough not to turn," I said. "If Tyler had turned I would've killed him again," I said. "I've never killed anyone," she said. "That's a good thing, if I had the chance to change how things turned out I would," I said. "I'm going to sleep," I said. "Goodnight Avry," she said. I knew I'd sleep through most of the day because people were waking up as I went to sleep.

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