Chapter 108, Narrator: Cameron

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"Where are they?" I asked while waiting at the gate. "They'll be here," Akilah said. "God I hope so," I said. I went to the top of the watch tower with Akilah. I looked through the sniper. I could see a herd of roamers. "Jesus Christ!" I said. "What is it!?!" Akilah asked. I moved so she could look. "Shit we need to get everyone ready to fight," she said. I looked through again. I could see a couple dozen trucks with several people in each. "That's not all we gotta worry about," I said. "What is it now!?!" she asked. I moved so she could look again. "Shit! I'll go warn every one, I've got a plan, just be ready when I get back here," she said. I knew things were about to get bad. They were still pretty far away. I could hear them firing their guns. That's how they got the herd with them. I sat and watched them. Akilah was back within ten minutes. "Cameron, you go down there, their leader is gonna wanna talk to you, I'll snipe when things get bad," she said. I started walking down. I stood at the gate. I saw Everyone hiding in a house. Each armed with an assault rifle or shotgun. My heart was beating fast. I heard the trucks hault to a stop. "Cameron, open up!" Jared yelled. "You better not shoot!" I yelled back. "Just open up, let'," he said. I opened the gate. I saw Jared sitting on the hood of a trucks. He had a metal leg. He just had a metal nub for a hand, like Akilah. "What do you want?" I asked. "I want you to hear me out," he said. "I have an offer, and this offer will make it so that you and your people all live," he said. "Go on," I said. "If you get out of here within the next hour, then you all live, if not, you'll all die," he said. "That's a bull shit offer, we'd die if we left," I said. "How do you figure?" he asked. "We saw that herd, everything you said just now was a lie," I said. He got off the car. It was almost as of time slowed down. I could see him reaching for his gun. I ran to cover. KAPOW! Akilah started shooting his men. Everyone else started firing. The trucks started driving in. I ran to the closest house. I went inside and shut the door behind me. Men were getting out and running in the houses. I could see Jared. He was coming for my door. I had my gun out. He opened the door. I slammed the door on his only hand causing him to drop the gun. He hit me with his nub. The metal piece hurt like hell. It cut my face open. I pistol whipped him. I busted his nose. He punched the gun put of my hand. I started punching him. He pushed me back and rammed me in to the wall. I heard the wall crack. I rammed him to the other wall and started punching him in the chest. He fell on the ground. I started punching him left and right. Then he hit me with the nub again knocking me off of him. He picked a baseball bat up off the ground. I looked over and grabbed the machete next to me. He swung the baseball bat at me. I blocked it with the machete. I kicked him in the stomach. I got up and swung the machete at him. He blocked with the baseball bat and held me in place. We were at a stand still. "You should've taken the deal, then you would've had a fighting chance!" he said and swung. "We had a fighting chance either way! I'd just rather kill you for attacking me on the road!" I said and swung back to block. "And now look at us, only one of our groups is gonna make it!" he said swinging at me again. "That'll be mine!" I said and swung again. "I have a bigger group!" he said. "And I have two arms and legs!" I said and kicked him back. "You'll pay for that," he said And charged at me. We kept swinging at each other. He took a big swing leaving his chest open. I dodged and waited for another. And he took another leaving his chest open once again. I went in for a swing. I sliced his stomach. Blood splashed out. "Mother fucker!" he yelled and swung again. I dodge and stabbed him in the chest. He was stuck on the machete. Blood was spat out of his mouth. I pushed him off the machete. I rammed the machete in to his skull over and over. I was breathing heavy. I was angry. People were dying and it was his fault. I saw people hiding behind trucks. They were shooting at my people. I grabbed Jared's pistol. I started firing at them. I shot a few down. The others ran. I walked out the door. I fired at every one of Jared's people I saw. I saw Lydia pinned behind an ambulance. I ran behind the ambulance. "How many?" I asked. "Too many to count!" she said. "What happened? Akilah had a solid plan!" I said. "She's still up there! When people started coming towards the houses we got spread out! I gotta find John!" she cried. "We'll find him! But first we gotta kill these assholes!" I said and fired at some more enemies. There were a lot. And they were farther in than I thought. "Shit! We're pinned!" I said. I looked and saw the gate was open. "God damnit," I said. "What?" she asked. "The gate is open, the herd is gonna get in!" I said. It was too late. The herd was moving in. "Shit! We gotta go!" I said. "What about John?" she asked. "We gotta go Lydia," I said.

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