Chapter 116, Narrator: Cameron

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Lydia and I were driving in a car we found. Lydia wasn't talking. She miscarried not long ago. The stress just became too much for her. I carried her to the car. She wouldn't get up so I had to. I'd been driving for thirty minutes ago. "Lydia, are you okay?" I asked. "Everyone's dead, my baby is dead, my husband, my friends, everyone," she said. "We don't know that, not yet," I said. "We aren't gonna find anybody, if anyone made it out they would've drove as far away as they could," she said. "Then so will we," I said. We passed by some bodies. "Someone's been here," I said. "It looks recent," she said. We drove past a dirt road. "Cameron turn around, I saw a car," Lydia said. "What?" I asked. "A car usually means people," she said. I turned the car around and went back to the dirt road. I saw two cars. "You sure you wanna check it out?" I asked. "I have to find John," she said. I got out of the car. We walked to the other cars and made sure nobody was in them. I had a shotgun. I had four bullets, I had to make them count. The door was open. I could hear talking. I poked my gun around the corner. Four people were sitting at a table playing cards. It was Trinity, Ivy, Mykell and Kyle. I lowered my gun. They looked over. "Cameron!" Ivy said. "Thank God you guys made it," she said and hugged me. "Do you guys know where anyone else could be?" I asked. "Not that I know of," she said. Lydia snuck out of the room. "Do you know who made it and didn't make it?" I asked. "Joseph...and Marcus, neither of them made it here," Mykell said. "I'm sorry to hear that," I said. "And I saw a couple bodies on the way here," Kyle said. "Who?" I asked. "Wendell and Malik, they died before the herde made it to us," he said. "Look we have to find everyone as soon as we can, before we get any farther than we already are," I said. "So pack up what we have and let's get moving," I said. We started packing everything we had. "Hey Cameron?" Ivy said. "Yeah," I said. "How did you get here?" she asked. "We drove," I said. "Well there's only two cars here and one belongs to Kyle and one belongs to me," she said. "Wait, where's Lydia?" I asked. I ran through the whole house looking for her. "Where could she have gone?" Trinity asked. "She probably went looking for John," I said as I grabbed my gun. "We have to find her," I said. We all packed our stuff in our cars. Ivy drove while I sat in the back. Mykell and Kyle went the opposite direction and said they'd radio us if they found her. "What's wrong with Lydia?" Ivy asked. "She wants her husband, she needs him, she miscarried a while ago, and she needs him to comfort her," I said. "That's terrible, the thought of something like that happening now is terrible," Trinity said. I could see a car parked on the side of the road. "There's our car!" I said and pointed at it. Ivy pulled over next to it. I got out of the car and grabbed my stuff. "Alright here's the plan, you guys radio Mykell and Kyle, tell them to start heading over here. When they get here you guys go ahead and start driving and I'll meet up with you guys when I find her," I said. "Wait, no, you can't go by yourself," Ivy said. "Yes I can, and I'm going to," I said. I started walking in the woods it was silent. Not even the birds were chirping. I couldn't find any tracks. It was like Lydia wasn't here at all. I wanted to call out to her but I didn't know if I was alone or not. I heard a groan nearby. I pulled out my knife. I turned around and saw a few roamers. I went to stab one and my knife got stuck. I didn't even try to pull it out I just pushed the body down and looked for another weapon. There were still three more roamers. I saw a big rock on the ground. I picked it up and waited for the roamers to get close. When one got close enough I hit it in the head with the rock. That only knocked him down for a second. I pushed another down. While the other two were down I pushed one in to a tree branch. Then I smashed one of their heads. The last one was right on me. It fell on top of me causing me to fall. I sat there and tried to beat it's head with the rock but it wasn't working. Then an arrow goes right through it's skull. Blood starts pouring on my face. I lifted up and looked around. I didn't see anybody at all. "Hello!?!" I yelled. "Cameron?" Ivy said from the walkie talkie. "Yeah," I said. "Meet us around the corner from where we found your car," she said. "I'll be there in a bit," I said. I walked all the way to Ivy and the others. I needed to tell them what just happened, I didn't understand. It was getting dark. I saw Ivy and the others. "Hey, what's up?" I asked. "We found her, and something else," Ivy said. "What's that?" I asked. "There's a camp," she said and pointed towards a fire in the distance. "Look something just happened to me," I said. "What? Are you okay?" she asked. "I got attacked by some roamers and someone saved me," I said. "Who?" she asked. "I don't know," I said. "Then how do you know someone saved you?" she asked. "Someone shot one of the roamers with an arrow," I said. "Wait a second, the same thing happened to me," she said.

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