Chapter 128, Narrator: Avry

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I pulled the arrow back. I lined the arrow up with the target. I let go and watched it fly. It almost hit the target in the center. "That's good," LeAnn said. "Still off by a little bit," I said. "You'll get there," she said. I took off my gloves. I took the arrow out of the target. "Now try your knife," she said. I pulled out the chain knife she gave me. I chucked it at the target. I hit it dead in the center. "Well, your knife throwing is pretty good," she said. "Yeah, but I don't think I'll ever be needing this skill," I said. "You never know, it might save a life," she said. "Hopefully it does," I said. "How are your people doing?" she asked. "I don't know, I've been trying to keep us a few miles ahead," I said. "By now they should be entering Tennessee," I said. "So we're ahead?" she asked. "Yeah, we gotta keep a head start," I said. "When do you think you'll show yourself to them?" she asked. "I'm not sure," I said. "I want to, but I don't know if it's the right time," I said. "They think I've been dead for three weeks," I said. "Has it really been that long already?" she asked. "Yeah, time flew pretty fast," I said. "We should probably head in to town," I said and put my arrows up. We were about to head in to Broadway. "There's a few places we can check out, maybe get a few more meals in the bags," LeAnn said. "Yeah, our food supply is getting pretty low, we got a week's worth of food left," I said. "How about water," she asked. "We got maybe three bottles left," I said. "We can work with that for a couple days," she said. I looked and saw a building. "Coyote Ugly". I knew this place. "LeAnn, I know this place," I said. "How?" she asked. "One time when I was twelve my mom took me here, we didn't get to go in because I was too young," I said. "You know any other places?" she asked. "There's a few bars, and some restaurants," I said. "Let's check this place for some water," she said. We walked inside. The sun wasn't giving enough light. "Flashlights," I whispered. We both pulled our flashlights. I held the flashlight in one hand, and my knife in the other. I didn't see roamers or people. "I'll check behind the bar, you watch my back," I whispered. I walked behind the bar. I looked on the bar. I saw a container of matches next to a bottle of alcohol. The place seemed clear. "Looks like someone was thinking of burning the place," I said. I tossed her the matches. I looked under the bar. There was a safe. "LeAnn, you know how to break this safe open?" I asked. "I could pick the lock," she said. "I'll keep looking for stuff while you do that," I said. I looked in the cabinet behind me. It was full of alcohol. "LeAnn, do you drink?" I asked. "Occasionally, why?" she asked. "I think we're about to have a couple drinks on the roof," I said. She laughed when she saw the beer. I looked in the cabinet to the left. There were two gallons of water too. "LeAnn, I think I solved our water supply problem too," I said. "And....I got the safe open," she said. She opened the safe. There was a pistol. "I don't think we have any guns," she said. "You know how to use one?" I asked. "No, I always used a bow," she said. "Then why'd you give it to me?" I asked. "Hey, I needed a break," she said and laughed. "I'll teach you to shoot a gun," I said. "Is it hard?" she asked. "Its loud, that's why we only use it when we need to," I said. "We'll teach you tomorrow," I said. "But for now, we're gonna get on the roof," I said. I put some stuff in our bags. I loaded us up with alcohol and water. "We'll search for a ladder," I said. We walked the perimeter of the ladder. "There it is," I said and pointed at the ladder. "And roamers," I said as I looked ahead. "You go up first, I'll cover you," I said. I pulled an arrow out of my bag. I lined up the arrow with the roamer's head. I let go and watched the roamer fall. I ran and whacked the other with the bow. By then LeAnn was already up. I grabbed my arrow and started climbing. A roamer grabbed my shoulder. I went to elbow it. KAPOW! I looked up and saw that LeAnn shot it. I climbed up. "Nice shot," I said. "That was my first time shooting," she said. "You saved my ass........again," I said. "That probably got some attention," I said. We got under some shade. "Let's start," I said and pulled out the alcohol. "Are you old enough to drink?" she asked. "Who's stopping me anymore?" I asked as I poured her some. "Good point," she said. "You ever drank before?" she asked. "Once, with a man who shot me," I said. "Well, I don't plan on shooting you," she said. "Good," I said as I finished pouring myself some. We were about to start drinking but I heard something. I heard cars. I saw a few cars driving this direction. I saw the camper that Akilah was using. That gunshot probably let them know we were here. "Shit!" I said as I crouched down. "What is it?" LeAnn asked. "We got company," I said. "Just stay quiet, and we'll be fine," she said. I laid on the ground. I drank my shot. "Cheers," I said. I heard gunshots. I looked up and saw a big group of roamers. I cut a piece off of my shirt. I stuck it in one of the bottles of alcohol. I used a match to set it on fire. I chucked it at the crowd and watched them burn.

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