Chapter 100, Narrator: Akilah

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"Alright everyone, quiet down," Kyle said. Everyone was crowded around the stage. Everyone wanted to know what was going on. They took everyone's weapons. They said it was for our own safety. "You think this has something to do with Avry?" Cole asked. "Definitely," I said. "If anything happens be ready to move," I said. I looked across the stage. I only saw a few people on the stage that I knew. Travis, Don, Kyle, and John. Everyone up there was armed. One even had a grenade. I would go for him first if something happened. I'd get his gun then use the grenade. "The third guy has a grenade, if things go south try and get to him," I said. "Shh! Here comes Leo," he said. Leo got out of a black SUV with tinted windows. He walked on stage. "You all are probably wondering why I've gathered you all here today. And I'll do my best to explain it. But first I must explain what trust is. Trust is something you should never betray. If you do, there are major consequences. And someone is about to face a big consequence. I've captured a traitor," he said and made a hand signal to Travis. Travis walked to the SUV. He opened the door and pulled out a man. The man had a bag over his head. He had blood all over his clothes and his hands were cuffed behind his back. Travis brought the man on stage. Leo took the bag off. It was Avry, he had cuts all over his face. He glanced over at me. "This is the traitor," Leo said. "He's killed dozens of us. He's killed our brothers, fathers, everyone and anyone you can think of," Leo said. Funny, he didn't kill my brother. "I lost a lot of men," Leo said. Their was a brief silence. "This is gonna hurt," he said. He pulled out his gun. "Who thinks I should kill him!?!" Leo asked loudly. Several people cheered. "Stop it! All of you!" I yelled. They were all cheering. Don and John were shocked to what they were hearing. "You're about to see what the consequences are," Leo said and pointed the gun at Avry. "Stop you can't do this!" John said. "Who's going to stop me?" Leo asked. KAPOW! The sound of the bullet traveled miles. Made everyone silent. It was almost as if everything was in slow motion. Leo was shot in the head. A bunch of men pulled there guns. Avry jumped back towards the man with the grenade. He bit the pin and kicked the man in to the SUV. The explosion caused everyone to start running. Cole and I took cover behind a dumpster. "Shit, who shot him!?!" I asked. "Someone on top of the bank, they gotta be one of us!" Cole said. The gunshots were so loud. I peeked up to see what was going on. I could see Avry pinned. He was pinned behind a car. And Leo's men were getting closer. "Cole! We gotta save Avry!" I said. I fired at three men. All three fell to the ground. I started running towards Avry. "Avry what's happening!?!" I asked. "We're taking this place!" he said. "I need a gun!" he said. "I only have this one!" I said. "Shit! I'm gonna grab one, cover me!" he said. He ran out and grabbed a machine gun off the ground. He immediately started spraying Leo's men with bullets. He ran back behind the car. "Damn, Lydia is one badass woman!" he said. "She saved you?" I asked. "Yep!" he said. "Hate to interrupt, but we got more people showing up and not enough ammo for them," Cole said. Avry opened the car door. He handed me a gun. "Is this-?" I said. "It's a grenade launcher, fuck 'em up!" he said. I aimed at a truck full of Leo's men. I shot it and then boom. The car immediately blew up. Kyle ran to the car we were at. "What are you guys doing!?!" he asked. Avry slammed him on to the car and put a gun to his head. "Why'd you let him get my kid!?!" he asked. "I didn't know anything about that!" he said. Avry held the gun to Kyle's head. "Avry that's enough!" I said. He lowered the gun. "You fight with us, and we won't kill you," I said. "Akilah!" Cole said from the other car. I looked over. He pointed at the other side of the stage. I could see Don and John having a shootout with Leo's men. I aimed the grenade launcher at the group of men and fired. Most of the men were dead or almost dead. "Over here guys!" I yelled. They both ran over while we provided cover fire. "Ah!" Cole yelled in pain. A bullet got him in the arm. "Are you okay!?!" I asked. He fired six shots at the person who shot him. "Never better!" he said. Travis showed up too. So did Mikhayla and Destiny. Avry punched Travis in the face. "Where's my kid!?! Where's Xavie and Edward!?!" he asked while still punching him. Don pulled him off. "Not now! We'll find them when this is over!" Don said. "I know where they are," Travis said. "They're guarded by a bunch of men with riot gear," he said. "Let's show them what this grenade launcher can do," I said. "Everybody in a car," John said. I heard a loud horn. Then I saw Aaron driving a big military truck. "You guys looked like you could use some help," he said. Everyone started getting in. I saw nearly all of our people in the truck. Travis sat up front to direct Aaron. "Lizzy better be okay," Avry said. "She's gonna be," I said. We were at the place within minutes. We saw several men in riot gear. One was holding Elizabeth. "Motherfucker!" Avry said. We all started getting out. We had our guns pointed at them. "You're outnumbered, hand her over," I said. "Shhh, you'll wake her," one said. "Now!" he yelled. Three of the riot men knocked out other riot men. I was confused. They all took their masks off. It was Joseph, Marcus, and Mykell. Marcus handed Avry Elizabeth. "Xavie and Edward are inside," Mykell said. "Let's go," I said.

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