Final Chapter, Narrator: Avry

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I was following Akilah and Cole. They wanted to go to lower Richland. They said they wanted me to make it there before I go. I didn't even like talking about dying. I mean, I knew we were all gonna die one day, but I didn't think it'd be so soon. My shoulder was burning. It felt like it was being pressed against a furnace. We weren't anywhere near the high school, and I didn't even know if it was still standing. I just knew we had to make it there. I needed Cole and Akilah to make it, they were the only ones left. "Avry, are you okay?" Akilah asked. "I'm fine," I said. "Look we need to have a talk about what just happened," Cole said. "What about it?" I asked. "We need to figure out how we're gonna deal with this," he said making sure to put emphasis on "we're". "You guys know what needs to be done, I'll stay strong as long as I can," I said. "So that's it?" Akilah asked. "What?" I asked. "After everything we've been through you're just gonna go out silent," she said. "What do you want me to say!?!" I asked as I turned back at her and dropped my bag. "You want me to say I'm sorry that I got surrounded and bit! You want me to say I'm sorry for chasing the man who shot our friend! You want me to apologize for not coming back to St. Louis! Fine! I'm sorry!" I said. I picked up my bag and brushed off the dirt. I continued walking without saying a word. I had a pistol, a bow, and my chain knife. A roamer was blocking my path. I pushed it over and kept walking. I knew Cole and Akilah would handle it. I wasn't even sure if they were even still behind me. To be honest, I wished they would leave me behind so that they wouldn't have to see me suffer, even though I know I deserve it. My leg was starting to hurt so I sat down by a tree. I pulled a bottle of water out of my bag. It was only halfway full. I didn't know if I should save it or not. Cole and Akilah are still full on water. I started to drink some. I was sweating a lot, I knew it was the fever kicking in. I didn't even know if I'd make it through the rest of the day. I knew that I was gonna die though. I didn't want to, but there isn't much I can do. I stood up and leaned against the tree. Akilah put her hand on my shoulder. "It's okay," she said and patted me. "No it's not," I said. I could feel a tear about to slip. "I'm gonna die!" I said. "We know," she said calmly. "I don't wanna die!" I cried. "I wanted to keep everyone alive, and look where I led us!" I said as I began to let tears slip. "We lost everyone! And it was all my fault! From beginning to end!" I cried. "It's not your did your best, you stepped up when no one else could," Akilah said. "Guys I hate to interrupt, but is that the school right there?" Cole asked. I looked over and saw the high school. I was so lost in thought that I forgot where we were. I wiped the tears from my eyes. We speed walked to the school. It looked practically empty. I approached the fence. There was a large hole in it. I climbed through and held it for Cole and Akilah. It was so quiet, it looked like a graveyard. I could actually see our graveyard from where we were standing. I walked over and looked at all the graves. "This place was overrun when we left," I said. "You think the guns and food might still be here?" Akilah asked. "We gotta check the cafeteria for food and check the gym for guns," I said. We went for the gym first, if there was anything in here we might have to shoot our way out. I opened the hallway door and held it open for Akilah and Cole. It was dark inside, the power must not be turned on. I opened the gym door. A roamer came out at me. I didn't even have a knife out yet. It pushed me back. KAPOW! Akilah shot it off me. Cole shined his flashlight inside the gym. We saw dozens of roamers waiting for us. "Run!" Cole said. "Where!?!" I asked. "Avry, towards the MS building!" Akilah said. We ran outside. The school wasn't empty, they just managed to get inside. We were running past all of the roamers trying to get out alive. We got to the corner and saw that MS was blocked. I remembered there was a ladder on the side of the K building, and the K building was connected to MS. "Follow me!" I yelled. I ran them to the ladder, I made them climb first. We all just barely made it up. I could see the catwalk. It was what connected MS and K. The roof was glass, I wasn't sure if it would hold. I could see roamers underneath. "Who's going first?" Cole asked. I could tell no one wanted to go. "I'll go," I said. I handed one of them my bag. "Just throw it to me when I get across," I said. I slowly walked across the catwalk making sure to take light steps. I made it across smoothly. Then Akilah went across. Now it was Cole's turn. He threw us our bags and then started walking across. He was doing good. Then right as he made it halfway I heard a crack. We all heard it. He looked up at us. I could hear it cracking even more. "Cole move!" I said. He fell right through the glass. "No, Cole!" Akilah said and jumped in after him. "No!" I yelled. I could see the roamers surrounding them. They fired off all their rounds and stabbed as many as they could but it was too much for them. It wasn't long until they were being devoured. I could see a ladder back down in to the courtyard. I climbed down and decided to face them. I didn't care anymore, I just lost everything. I was pushing past every roamer in my way. I was in downstairs MS. I ran in to the men's restroom. The roamers couldn't open it from the outside. I backed up from the door. I walked over to the sink and looked in the mirror. There was just enough light to see myself. I was a mess. I looked around the room. I saw a coat on the ground. I picked it up. It was my jacket, from the beginning. I reached in the pocket and saw a picture of me, Jabrel and Anthony. This was the room where everything began. I was in this room when we were put on lockdown. I sat down on the floor. I knew it was my time. I couldn't take this pain much longer. I needed to speed up the process. I grabbed one of my arrows. I unscrewed the broadhead. It was still razor sharp after all this. I put it on my right wrist and slit all the way up. Then I did the same to my left. And in my remaining moments I thought of what caused all of this to happen. I thought of how this world changed such good, innocent people into lying murderous monsters. It turned the weak strong, and killed the ones who were already strong. And it turned all of us in to things we never wanted to be. turned us in to The Walking Dead.............

Then End

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