Chapter 32, Narrator: Avry

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"Candi!" I yelled. "Yeah," she said. "Toss me the shovel," I said. I was burying the dog we had found last week. It was just Candi and I. I had been alone for a month when I got here. I hadn't found my sister. I searched all the places I knew. I found Candi before I was gonna head back to South Carolina. We'd been moving from place to place. We were heading to St. Louis, she said she heard that their was a group their a while back. We didn't have a lot of food, we had enough bullets for us. We were just low on food. I had finished burying the dog, so I went to help Candi search the house. I found a can of tuna but that was it. "You find anything?" I asked. "Found a jacket that would fit you," she said. I put it on, it was a white jacket. "What'd you find?" she asked. I handed her the can of tuna. "You take it," I said. "Avry you can't keep giving me all the food, we don't always have enough for both of us, but I'm not gonna let you starve yourself," she said. "Just take it, you're shaking all over, you need it," I said. I hadn't eaten in almost a week. She went to the upstairs room and ate. We never had it this bad. I had the food I'd taken when I first left, but that was all gone now. We were almost in St. Louis though. We just had to stay alive a little longer. It was dark outside and I was sitting on the porch staring at the stars. Sometimes I'd sit and think about everyone at the school. I missed everyone at the school. I wondered if they even remembered me. I heard roamers a crowd of roamers coming. I ran upstairs and woke Candi up. "We gotta go, their are roamers outside, a whole lot of them," I said. She got up grabbed her stuff and we got in the car and started driving. I was driving for a few hours, I drove so long the sun was starting to come up. Candi was sleeping in the passenger side. We were running low on gas. We had a good ten minutes before we'd run out. "Candi, wake up," I said. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. "What?" she asked. "We gotta go get some gas, we're almost in St. Louis," I said. We got out of the car and started walking. We found a backpack filled with food just lying on the ground. We ate a little bit so that we wouldn't die. I felt a lot better after eating. That food would last at least a week. We were walking and three men walked up to us. One with a snake tattoo on his face that led to his arm. The second with an axe. And the third with a sawed off shotgun. "Hey do you guys have some fuel?" I asked. That tattoo guy punched me in the face. And the shotgun guy put his shotgun to Candi's head. I felt blood come out of my nose. "Don't fight Candi, just do what they want," I said. "Candi huh? What a sweet sounding name," the tattoo guy said and started feeling her side. "Take what you want just leave us alone," I said. "Take their food," he said. He grabbed our backpack and Candi. "Hey, let her go!" I shouted. The man with the axe and the man with the shotgun started beating the shit out of me. "We want her too," he said. The took my gun and walked away with her. She tried to fight but they threw her in the car. I ran after them on foot, I was out of gas. "HEY!" I shouted. They were in a green van with broken tail lights. I couldn't keep up, I lost them. I kept running trying to find her. I kept running and running. I ran for miles but I couldn't find her. I made it in to the city and started walking. I was out of breath my legs were about to give out. I walked in the alleyway and sat for a minute. I heard crying close by. I looked over and saw Candi on the ground. She had bruises all over her, She had our bag of food and one gun. "Oh my god," I said and ran to her. I held her close to me, she was bleeding and crying. "Avry, look out!" she yelled. I looked behind me and saw a roamer. I turned around and pushed it back. I went to go grab my knife and it fell on me. I threw it off and went to stab me. But right before I could do anything it sunk its teeth in to my leg. "Ouch! Son of bitch!" I yelled and stabbed it. A few men and some women came running. "Oh my God! What happened!?!" one of them asked. "I was bit!" I yelled. "What do we do?" Candi asked. I thought about everyone at school. "Take it," I said. "What?" she asked. "Cut if off damn it!" I yelled. One of the man pulled out a machete and took a swing. It hurt so bad. He swung a few times. I passed out after the fourth swing. "Avry?" Candi said. I opened my eyes and looked at her. I looked down and my left leg was gone. "How long have I been out?" I asked. "All day," she said. I didn't feel a fever so I think I'm okay. "Candi are you alright?" I asked. "I'm not the one who lost a leg," she said. "Seriously," I said. "No.....I'm not," she said. "They did stuff, and beat me, and threw me on the street like I was nothing," she said. She was starting to cry. I hugged her. "Its okay, you're gonna be okay," I said. A man walked in, he looked so familiar but I didn't know how I knew him. "Hi, my name's Leo, what's yours?" he asked. "Leo wha?" I asked. "Winchester," he said. That was my sister's dad. "Its me Avry, is Gabby here?" I asked. "Yes," he said.

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