Chapter 87, Narrator: Aaron

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I drove until I found this. Avry's car drove in to a ditch. It was flipped on its back. "Shit, Avry," I said. I looked inside the car. No one was there. I heard coughing. I looked around. I saw a man on the ground. "Where's Avry?" I asked. "Bastard went to the gas station," he said and coughed again. I started running down the road. I saw smoke in the sky. I knew I'd run in to the gas station. I saw dead bodies all over. I knew Avry had been here. "Help me," someone said. I saw a man on the ground. I picked him up. I knew he was against us. But we could use him to get information. I walked him all the way to the hospital. I saw Lydia sitting in a room with John. "Lydia, I got someone for you," I said. Lydia starting rushing over to me. "What happened?" she asked. I leaned in to whisper something. "Make sure he lives, we have to get information out of him," I said. When she brought him to the operation room I sat with John. "Hey," I said. "Hey what are you doing here?" he asked. "Avry went after Jacob, I went after him, but found a source of information," I said. "Avry's here," he said. "What," I said. "Yeah, he's a few rooms away," he said. "I'll be right back," I said. I started to walk to his room. Mikhayla and Xavie were in there. Avry was packing his bags. "Avry you barely survived last time," Mikhayla said. "Think about your daughter," she said. "I am, I'm thinking about how she has to live without a mother," Avry said. I intervened. "Sorry to interrupt, but I've got news," I said. They all looked at me. "I got one of Jacob's people," I said. "Shit," Avry said. "What is it?" I asked. "Don't let Leo see," he said. Avry laid a map out on the table. "See all these marked areas?" he asked. "Yeah what about them?" I asked. "These are all Jacob's people," he said. "That dot right there, is Leo's house," he said. "What does that mean?" I asked. "They aren't actually Jacob's people," he said. "They're Leo's," he said. "What do we do about it?" I asked. "I don't know, but whatever we do, this conversation does not leave this room," he said. "He has Destiny," he said. "All we gotta do, is take out him, and all the people guarding him and Leo won't find out about us taking out his gang," he said. "Shit, this is a lot to take in," I said. "So basically, all we're here for is to get supplies for Leo's gang," I said. Avry put the map in his bag. Leo walked in the room. "What's going on?" Leo asked. "I'm going after Jacob, he's got Destiny," Avry said. "Like hell you are," Leo said angrily. "Try and stop me," Avry said and put on his jacket. Avry walked right past Leo as if he wasn't there. "Hmph, doesn't know what he's getting himself in to," Leo said. "We can't sit here and find out," I said. I saw a gun on the table. "Who's is this?" I asked. "Mine," Xavie said. "I'm gonna borrow this," I said. I started to walk outside. Mikhayla and Xavie followed me. "You can't go after Avry," Mikhayla said. "Why not?" I asked as I walked through the doors. "Look they've got bases all around the place, the best thing we can do is take out the closer bases so they can't call backup," Xavie said. "Where do we start?" I asked. "Well we found out that Jacob has Destiny near the bank, so all we have to do is take out the bases surrounding it," she said. "So we start on?" I said. "A McDonald's," she said. "Really?" I said. "Yeah, they haven't got a lot of places to hide out," she said. "How many do you think there are?" I asked. "Can't be too much, it's just a McDonald's," Xavie said. We thought wrong. When we saw the McDonald's we knew it wasn't gonna be easy. They had snipers all around guarding the place. We hid not far from the place. "What's the plan?" Mikhayla asked. "Take them out silently, make sure the snipers don't see you," I said. "We split up and take out all of them without a shot being fired," I said. "Sounds good, let's go," Xavie said. We all split up. Xavie went left, Mikhayla went right, and I went straight inside. I snuck right up to the building. I jumped through one of the drive through windows. Their were only a few people inside. I wasn't sure how this was gonna go down. I snuck behind the register. I saw a man walk in to the restroom. While a few sat in the seat at the other side. I walked in the bathroom. The man was already in a stall. I pulled out my gun. The door was locked. I waited next to the door for him to finish. He opened the door. He started to walk out. KAPOW! I shot him and he fell to the floor. I knew that would get the others attention. I'm not sure if it was just me, but something was telling me to pick up the body. I used the body as a shield. I saw a man push the door open. KAPOW! I shot him. And I kept doing that until no one else came out. I heard gunshots outside while I was shooting. I was pretty sure it was okay to come out. I started to walk out. I saw a man swing at me with his knife. I caught his arm and pushed him. I went to fire my gun but he knocked it out of my hand. He was trying to push the knife in my chest. I held the knife back. I kicked the back of his leg and he fell. I pointed my gun at him. KAPOW! That's one down.

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