Chapter 54, Narrator: Alex

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Mikhayla and me were going to find baby formula. We were searching everywhere for it. We were searching Wal-Marts, food lions, everywhere. "Well god damn, we might as well learn how to make the formula ourselves," I said. "There might be a few more places," Mikhayla said. "Like where?" I asked. "Well their has to be a day care close by," she said. And like most of the time she was right. We went to every day care in the area. We had enough baby formula to last a month or two. While We were driving back to the school We saw a mall. "You wanna check it out?" I asked. "Yeah we'll split up and grab everything worth taking," she said as pulled up to the mall. We got out of the car and walked in to the mall. "We're limited on time here, we need to get the formula back to the school so no fucking around," she said. "Ain't gotta tell me twice," I said. I looked for weapons and she looked for food and water. I found two pistols and some ammo but that was it. I ran to look for Mikhayla. I ran up the escalators to see if I could see her up there. I started walking to find her but something grabbed my foot. A roamer was lying on the ground trying to grab me. I kicked it a few times. I pulled out my pistol and shot it. "That was a close one," I said with a sigh. Right as I turned to start walking again a roamer sinks it's teeth in my arm. "SON OF A BITCH!" I yelled. I pushed it off and drew my pistol again. I unloaded my whole magazine on him. I didn't know where Mikhayla was and now I need her to take off my arm. I didn't see Mikhayla anywhere. But I did see a whole fucking crowd of roamers approaching me. "Fuck could this get any worse," I said as I looked for another exit. And like usual it was gonna. I went to go down the escalators and roamers were blocking that way too. "Mikhayla now would be a good time to come out!" I yelled. I didn't see her anywhere. I started running to look for the next escalator. Their were two roamers blocking it. I ran down it and pushed the two roamers down as I ran down the escalator. I ran to the closest restaurant at the food court. I jumped over the counter and hid. I had to wait for them to clear out before doing anything. But then again, my arm has to be cut off. I ran back out and looked for another way to Mikhayla. I ran outside to our car. I roamers didn't follow me outside. Or at least I didn't think they did. I sat and caught my breathe for a minute. Mikhayla wasn't out there. There were only two options. Leave Mikhayla and get to the school or cut my arm off myself. If I cut my arm off myself, I know I'll pass out from the pain which is dangerous considering how many roamers are inside. But I had to, I couldn't leave Mikhayla. She's my best friend, she'd wait for me. I pulled out my machete. I took off my belt to bind my arm. I walked over to our car. I set my arm on it. I tried to think positive thoughts as I did it. My first thought was "Rian won't feel special anymore." Then I took the first swing. I couldn't help but scream. I kept swinging even though I wanted to pass out. My arm was off. I set off the car alarm swinging the machete. I went to go turn it off but I started to get dizzy. I tried to walk over to the car door but my body gave out. I lost a lot of blood. I didn't know of I cut it off soon enough. I fell to the ground. I was starting to pass out. I could hear what sounded like roamers coming outside. I felt someone or something grab you. I looked up. It was Mikhayla. "Oh god," she cried. She picked me up. "You're gonna be fine, you're gonna be fine," she said. She kept repeating those words as she put me in the car and I passed out. I know she hit some roamers because I felt a few bumps. She was still repeating the words "you're gonna be okay." I could tell she was crying when she said it. I felt us come to a stop. I heard the car door open. Mikhayla got out and came over to my side. She lifted me up again. Blood was dripping everywhere. I couldn't even lift myself up to look around. "Oh my god!" Rian said. I fell to the ground again. My arm was starting to burn. I looked up and I could just barely see people crowding around me. I closed my eyes. I could hear people yelling and freaking out. "Get the bandages and a lot of towels!" Lydia yelled. There was a silence. "Here I got them," Akilah said. I felt Lydia put towels under my arm. "Antibiotics! Now!" she yelled. She put her hand on my forehead. "Oh god," she said. I opened my eyes a little. "What is it?" I asked. "You've got a fever, you may be infected," she said. "No, that's not possible," I mumbled. "I cut it off before it spread," I mumbled. I could barely speak. She may have been right. I saw Rian with a bag. He handed it to Lydia. She grabbed a bottle of pills. She took out a few. "Here take this," she said as she held the pill out. I could just barely grab it. I took the pill. "Here's some water," Mikhayla said and held out a water bottle. I pushed it away. "No, if I'm infected then save it," I said. As much as I hated to think like that, but we all knew that I was infected.

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