Bond Mates Chapter 37 - The Showman Himself

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What seemed like forever waiting and playing out happy memories of Tyler in my head to keep myself sane, the door opened. I held my breath as Eli walked his smug face into the room, still wearing a gas mask so I guess Billy helping me had been kept secret. I squirmed in my seat, trying to look defeated because if he got suspicious and looked too closely then he would see that it was just dry blood on my face and that my wounds had healed up.

He nodded towards the TV, smiling wickedly. “Have fun? That’s a turn on watching that, huh?”

I hissed a string of expletives through my teeth, clenching my hands into fists as I tried my hardest not to just rip the chains of and choke the life out of him slowly. “I swear to all that’s holy, I’m gonna tear you apart for that,” I promised.

He laughed and reached out, grabbing the remote control, finally turning off my nightmare. I breathed a sigh of relief as the horrifying noise of her crying finally stopped. For a couple of seconds my ears still rang from the volume of it, but then it died out to leave silence in the room.

“My grandfather is here. Are you ready for this?” he asked, raising one eyebrow behind the mask.

“Where’s Tyler?” I asked, praying he’d tell me.

He smiled and nodded back at the door behind him as he unclasped the metal headband that was holding my head in place. “She’s up there waiting for you. My grandfather, he’s a bit of a showman, he wants to do this all properly and show people that there is no doubting that the prophesy is wrong,” he stated.

I frowned, confused. “Showman?”

He nodded, looking a little bored of it all as four other masked men walked into the room behind me. I recognised one of the as Billy but I forced myself not to react to him in any way. I couldn’t react until Byron Jefferson was within arm’s reach of me. “Yeah. It’s stupid really; personally I don’t see what all the fuss is about. To me you’re not worth all this effort and I’d happily slit your throat here, but he wants to be all grand with the plans,” he replied. He turned back to the four guys. “Take his chains off and put those cuffs on him,” he stated, nodding at one of them who was holding a thick pair of iron handcuffs. They looked even thicker than the ones I was wearing now, but I could easily still get out of them.

“Tyler’s gonna be wherever you’re taking me?” I asked, not really sure how I felt about that. On the one hand I wanted to see her so badly that it was making my whole body ache, but on the other hand I didn’t want her anywhere near trouble when the fighting started. My  eyes unintentionally flicked to Billy who’s jaw twitched as he clenched his teeth.

Eli smiled nastily and stepped back as the other four converged on me, pulling at my restraints and clipping cold metal cuffs around my wrists. “Yeah. We want her to watch as we kill you, it’ll be good to catch her reaction on tape,” he said coldly.

They were going to tape me getting killed? Sick bastards. “Why would you tape it?” I asked, shaking my head incredulously. Not that I was bothered, maybe the tape would catch me ripping them to pieces, maybe I could watch that again and again with the volume turned up, I’d actually quite like that. Wow, I was turning into a sicko too.

“Mmm hmm. I think the council would appreciate seeing for themselves that they put their faith in the wrong person all along. Once you’re dead then the prophesy that they hold so dear will be dead too,” he retorted. “Get up,” he ordered, waving a hand at me.

I had no idea how I was going to fake being hurt. I forced myself to my feet, purposefully swaying and crying out as if in pain. I obviously did a good a job, because two of them grabbed me, one either side and took most of my weight. I let them drag me out, and we followed after Eli. My eyes were raking over everything quickly. As we stepped out of the room I was kept in, I noticed that another steel door at the end of the hallway was open wide, a quick look in showed me that the room was empty but there was a chair in the middle of the room like the one I was strapped in. A little blanket thing was piled in the corner as if someone had been sleeping there. I felt my heart sink, was that where they’d been keeping Tyler?

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