Bond Mates Chapter 37 - The Showman Himself

Start from the beginning

His eyes tightened, his lips pressed together in a thin, grim line. From his expression alone I knew she was in a bad way. “She’s alive,” he answered.

I knew I needed to keep up the act even though this guy was on my side. I needed to be convincing that I was on my own for Byron to come here and take a risk for once. “I’m gonna kill you, everyone on of you fuckers are gonna die for this!” I screamed, making him flinch as I thrashed in my chair.

“You’re no threat at all. While that drug is in your system you wouldn’t even be able to stand on your own,” he shot back. He smiled at me weakly before he turned and marched out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

I closed my eyes and prayed that he kept true to his word. So far I’d done everything that he’d asked of me, I’d come alone, I’d let myself get captured, I’d swore to protect his little brother. I prayed to God that he didn’t back out now, because if he did, if he didn’t cut the drug supply like he’d promised he would on the phone, then I was totally screwed. He was right in what he just said, while the drug was in my system I was as good as useless, and Tyler was as good as dead.

I needn’t have worried about him backing out though, because less than twenty minutes later I knew he was on my side. I clenched my jaw tightly so that I didn’t scream in pain as the burning started all over my body. The pain from the bones fusing back together, the bruises healing, the skin mending itself, all of it was almost too much to bear. The fire that felt like I’d swallowed a gallon of acid, burned its way around my whole body, healing everything and making me twitch and writhe in agony but I tried to keep my movements to a minimum so that the cameras that were somewhere in the room, wouldn’t get wind of anything happening.

My breathing was labored by the time the fire seemed to put itself out. Finally I could think clearly instead of the pain being a constant in my head. The noise from the tape was still deafening, but I was trying my hardest to block it out as I focused on remaining calm. Now that the drug was out of my system, my hands were shaking with rage, my wolf was right at the front just waiting to shift and rip the whole place apart. It was taking every inch of my strength to actually stay still and look defeated for the camera. I knew that I’d still be covered in blood so they wouldn’t know without looking really closely that my wounds were healed, I’d just have to put on a bit of an act if someone came in. Hopefully it wouldn’t be too long until Byron Jefferson made his appearance, and then I could snap these chains and kill everyone and everything and then go find my wife.

I focused on Tyler, trying to feel any signs of her, talk to her through our link, but she was still gone, it was almost like I’d made the link up completely and it had never even existed in the first place. My mind flicked to a place where I felt the point to my life just disappear, I suddenly wondered if she was dead. I hadn’t felt her for so long that she could be dead for all I knew and that was why I couldn’t feel her. The more rational part of me scolded the other more terrified part though because she couldn’t be dead, I’d know if she was dead, the pain of losing her would tear me apart so I knew she had to be alive. My thoughts flicked to Jeremy, the technician at the lab that did all the experiments on us with the drug. He’d said that the inhibiter drug took about four hours to get out of her system, just like with a normal shifter. Maybe that was why I still couldn’t feel her, maybe even though Billy had cut the gas, maybe it was still in her system and I’d just need to wait the four hours before I could speak to her again. I prayed that Byron got here before that time though, I couldn’t listen to this tape for four hours without my wolf taking over, and then they’d know that someone was helping me, then Byron wouldn’t come at all.

In my head, to keep myself sane I recounted the last conversation I’d had with Tyler, we were fooling around on the way to the labs, she was whining because she wanted to take a boat trip up the Thames and not be stuck in an office building all day. If only I’d taken her on that boat trip then none of this would have happened. But I couldn’t really think that I guess, if this hadn’t happened that day then it would have happened eventually. With Edward feeding them pricks the information, it was only a matter of time before they came for us.

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