Chapt. 59

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    ***Author's Note: I do not own One Piece, Oda does, I do own the characters I made up in this story (ex: Ivy, Cecily (Shadow), and any other made up characters throughout this story that I might create). Also, please do not copy this story and claim it as your own***

        Chapt. 59: The Happy News, The Cherry Blossoms In Snow?, and The Cutest Doctor Joins Our Crew

      "We better hurry back to the castle before Kureha finds us missing," I advised over to Nami, (we were riding Shadow to get back up the mountain as fast as possible), "I really don't want to find out what she'll do to us if she sees us missing."

"You've got that right," Nami shivered, looking down at Shadow (she was in her white wolf form), "How much longer till we get to the castle Shadow?"

"Not long," Shadow answered, running towards the castle, and pointing her head towards the castle that's in front of them, setting them against the wall, "I know you two want to hide so I'll set you here."

"Thanks.," Nami and I whispered up at her.


"I'll go ahead and scope out the situation first," Usopp assured the villagers inside the cable car, and walking behind Zoro when they left to go towards the front of the castle, "You guys can come after that."

"LET GO OF ME USOPP!" Zoro grunted in irritation, shoving Usopp's face with his hand as Usopp held onto his legs as he walked.

"I'M BACKING YOU UP ZORO!" Usopp trembled, snapping his head side to side, making sure there weren't any monsters around.

"IF YOU'RE THAT SCARED JUST GO BACK TO THE OTHERS JEEZ!" Zoro suggested in annoyance, only to glance up at the roof the castle upon hearing a loud voice, "LUFFY, WHAT THE..."

"Oh, it's you guys," Luffy grinned, flying into them, and knocking them into the snow along with him, "Oops, Shi, Shi, Shi."

"GYAAAAAAA!!!" Ussop and Zoro hollered, being knocked to the ground by Luffy, and a snow puff of smoke appeared when Luffy crashed into them.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!!" Zoro bared his teeth at Luffy, a huge tick mark on his head, and the snow-smoke cloud disappearing, "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!!!"

"I'm...dead." Usopp coughed, lying on the ground with a bloody nose.

"I thought that you were more of Big Mouth's guards coming to fight," Luffy grinned, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly, "I'm surprised that the two of you decided to come up here...well not you Zoro, but, Usopp I thought that you were too scared to come up the mountain."

"Are you kidding?" Usopp grinned, sticking his nose up in the air, "I bravely fought a condor on the way up here."

"Are you guys alright? I heard that crash and came to see if you guys were ok," Vivi called, running over to them, and smiling over at Luffy, "I assume since you're here Luffy, you managed to make it up here in time to save Nami, and Ivy then?"

"This mountain sure was a doozy, but it was nothing compared to the time I climbed Mountain Leni back when I was just 2 years old..." Usopp rambled on, (the others weren't paying attention to him)

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