Chapt. 85

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      ***Author's Note: Hey guys, my college classes just started on Monday, so I might not be updating as often as I like. I do not own One Piece, Oda does, I do own the characters I made up in this story (ex: Ivy, Cecily (Shadow), and any other made up characters throughout this story that I might create). Also, please do not copy this story and claim it as your own***

      Chapt. 85: The Uproar In The Castle, The Key, and The Beginning of The Escape Plan

    "THE KING WOULD NEVER DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT!" Chaka roared, glaring at the Royal Soldier who just barged into the room to report about the king, and a ticked off expression on his face.

"But Chaka, if his Highness had left from here to go to Nanohana the times would be accurate," the Royal Soldier hinted, a slight panic in his voice, and standing before Chaka, "To make matters worse, the people who have trusted His Highness have brought up arms and we don't have enough Soldiers to push back the Rebellion Army. If we don't do something soon this city will become a blood bath."

It's just as I was afraid of, Baroque Works have infiltrated the Royal Army, Chaka thought, turning towards the Royal Soldier, and a determined look on his face, "GIVE THIS ORDER: ALL ROYAL SOLDIERS MUST BE READY TO ENGAGE THE REBEL ARMY!"


Back at the casino

"If you listen hard enough you'd be able to hear those fools shouting about protecting Alabasta," Crocodile smirked darkly, staring at Vivi, and taunting her, "It's tragic really, the Kingdom that they all love so dear will be what destroys it."

"This guy is really starting to piss me off." Ace glared, sitting down inside the cage, and glaring at Crocodile.

"I've seen some major psychos, but this guy is the worst." Zoro frowned, sitting on the ground inside the cage, and narrowing his eyes at Crocodile.

"In my opinion, depraved is the perfect word to describe this asshole." Shadow glared, sitting beside Zoro, and glaring over at Crocodile.

"CROCODILE, I'LL KICK YOUR AS...!" Luffy glared, holding onto the cage's bars, and started feeling sick again (seriously...this kid never learns *sweatdrop*).

"Is he stupid or did he forget about what those bars do to Devil Fruit users?," Smoker sweatdropped, glancing over at Luffy, noticing me off into the corner, and walking over to me, "Do you have a plan or something?"

"He's stupid," I deadpanned, using Ace's Devil Fruit power to heat the bars in a small corner of the cage, and never looking up at Smoker, "And to answer your question Smokey, yes I do have a plan."

"That's Ivy for you, she always has a plan," Nami grinned, slowly walking over to me, and sitting down beside me, "What's the plan?"

"You'll see soon enough," I whispered, grinning back, breaking the bars where I used Ace's Devil Fruit power, and slipping through the small hole that I made, "Just keep Crocodile distracted."

"Ms. Wednesday, do you know why I've gone this far to destroy this country?" Crocodile taunted, sitting in his chair, smirking over at Vivi, and taking a sip from his glass.

"AS IF I'D UNDERSTAND ANYTHING INSIDE YOUR FOUL MIND!," Vivi glared, getting ready to tip her chair over, only to look up at the ceiling to see me shake my head lightly down at her (meaning the No signal), and widening her eyes a little before glaring back at Crocodile, How did Ivy get out of the cage? I'll just have to hope that she came up with a plan to get the others out of the cage

"You've got a pretty sharp tongue for a princess," Crocodile smirked darkly, standing up, and taking out the fake key from his pocket, "Tell you what, Ms. Wednesday, I'll give you two choices. You can either stay here and attempt to save your pathetic friends or you can come with my associate and I to Alubarna. Of course if you do decide to stay here, you'll suffer the same fate as your loser friends because in about 1 hour this room will be filled with water and my precious pets will have a big feast."

"A feast?" Luffy exclaimed, a dreamy look on his face, and drool coming from his mouth, "That sounds tasty."

"WE'RE THE FEAST FOR HIS PETS, YOU MORON!" Usopp bared his teeth, karate chopping Luffy's head, and a large tick mark on his head.

"Since I'm feeling generous today, if you do choose to stay I'll even give you the key to the cell," Crocodile smirked darkly, "accidently" stepping on a button on the floor, and "accidently" dropping the key into the trap door, "Oops, I "accidently" dropped the key to your friends' cell."

"You mean this key?" I smirked, standing up on the ceiling's rafter, holding up the key that I swiped from Crocodile when he wasn't paying attention (I used Luffy's Devil Fruit power to get the key), and dangling it back and forth.

                               TO BE CONTINUED...

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