Robin's Arc Chapt: 8

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            ***Author's Note: I do not own One Piece, Oda does, I do own the characters I made up in this story (ex: Ivy, Cecily (Shadow), and any other made up characters throughout this story that I might create). Also, please do not copy this story and claim it as your own***


"Hey Big Bro is back," a loud voice echoed as I started blacking out, and feeling someone lay me gently down on something soft before I blacked out, "Woah, what happened to her?"

"No idea, found her laying on the ground by the edge of a water cannel," a male voice spoke, "Kiwi, Mozu, you're both in charge of this girl."

"You can count on us Big Bro." two female voices promised, carrying me up I believe it was a flight of stairs before laying me down gently on something soft, feeling something wet brushing against my cheek and arms, and something soft was put over me.

"NOOOO ACE!!!" I screamed, tears falling down my face, my eyes widening in horror as Akainu's fist was protruding out of Ace's chest, falling to my knees, and screaming at the top of my lungs in agony

"ACE!," I shouted, bolting upright in bed, blinking around an unfamiliar room, grabbing my things, and rushing down the stairs to the front door with a desperate look on my face, I have a really bad feeling that Ace had done the thing I told him never to do! I need to go to him.

"STOP!" a male voice commanded, racing towards me, grabbing me by the waist, wrapping his arms around me, and continuing to hold me, "YOU CAN'T GO ANYWHERE RIGHT NOW! YOU WERE HURT BADLY! STOP STRUGGLING!"

"LET ME GO! I HAVE TO FIND ACE!," I screamed, tears falling down my face, hitting the person's arms to break free of their hold to no avail, and starting to calm down, "I-I-I have to find him."

"I'm afraid I can't let you go off in your condition," the voice stated, releasing the hold on me when he knew I wouldn't take off, and helping me to a chair, "When I found you, you had tons of bruises all over yourself. I couldn't just leave you alone like that, so I brought you here to my house, The Franky Family. I'm the SUPEEERRR amazing Franky. Those two lovely ladies with the fabulous square hair are Kiwi and Mozu. They took care of yah while you were out."

"Thank you Franky, everyone," I smiled sadly, sitting on a chair, and introducing myself, "I'm Ivy. My crewmates are probably worrying where am I so I should be getting back to them."

"What's a pipsqueak like you doing sailing with pirates?" Franky asked, sitting down on the chair next to me, opening a bottle of Cola, and handing me a bottle of Cola, "And why in the world would you want to go back to the people who gave you those bruises?"

"No, they didn't give me those bruises, trust me they would never harm any of their friends, I think I got those bruises because of something different," I smiled, taking a swig of Cola, and burping, "And I'm actually 20 years old despite how I look."

"If you say so. Oh, don't worry about your friends, a Emo chick and a Long-Nose weirdo saw me carry you, so they know I took yah," Franky assured, smiling, and not realizing the misunderstanding that situation could've created, "I'm sure they'll be here to get you back soon. You still need to rest."

Doesn't he realize the misunderstandings he may have created? I thought-sweatdropping, and grinning up at him, "Do you have any Pepsi around here?"

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