Chapt. 89

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     ***Author's Note: I do not own One Piece, Oda does, I do own the characters I made up in this story (ex: Ivy, Cecily (Shadow), and any other made up characters throughout this story that I might create). Also, please do not copy this story and claim it as your own***

         Chapt. 89: The Fastest Animals, Luffy Saved By A Demon?, The 2nd Part of The Plan

        "THE ENEMY IS HERE TO KILL US ALL!!!," Usopp whimpered, falling to the ground, and pretending to be dead, "EVERYONE PRETEND TO BE DEAD!"

"Do you have to be a whimpering chicken everytime we decide to fight against an enemy?" Shadow deadpanned, bending over him, glancing down at him with narrowed eyes, and a large sweatdrop on her head.

"It's Carue and the Super Sonic Duck Squadron," Vivi smiled widely, knowing what the noise was upon seeing their shapes when the sand-cloud disappeared, and running over to Carue with a huge smile on her face, (I took her and Carue's picture at that exact moment), "You guys came to help us."

"Carue is here?," Usopp cheered, sitting up, and rushing over to Carue with a huge grin on his face, "CARUE MY PAL!"

"He sure perked up in a hurry." Ace sweatdropped, walking over to me, and raising an eyebrow as he watched Usopp.

"He's always like that," I intoned, turning towards everyone with a serious tone, and standing beside Ace, "Before we head off to Alubarna, there's something we need to discuss."

"What's that?" Nami questioned, looking at me, and standing beside Vivi.

"We all know that Baroque Works best agents will be waiting to ambush us to get to Vivi once we step into Alubarna," I restated, a grin forming on my face, and an evil gleam came into my eye as I glanced at everyone, "Since they want Vivi, let's give them Vivi."

"HAVE YOU GONE MAD?!" Chopper exclaimed, baring his teeth at me, climbing onto my shoulders, and hitting my head with his hooves, "THAT'S EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT WE WANT TO DO!"

"Hold on guys," Sanji assured, lighting a cigarette, and blowing out a puff of smoke, "Let's hear what Ivy has to say, I think she has a plan."

"You'd be right, Curly-Brows," I smirked, pulling my hat down so it casts shadows across my face as I smirked, and I explaining my plan to them, "Vivi, how many entrances are there to Alubarna?"

"There's the East, South, North, and West gates," Vivi answered, furrowing her brows in confusion, and standing beside Nami, "Why do you ask?"

"What would happen if we all had on the same cloaks and ride on the Super Sonic Duck Squadron as we entered Alubarna?" I smirked, tilting my head up, and telling them about my plan.

"The Baroque Agents wouldn't know which one of us was Vivi and they would have no choice but to take out all of us," Zoro smirked, nodding his head in approval, "Not a bad plan."

"One problem with that plan," Usopp informed, sitting down on the ground, and his brows knitting together in concentration, "What if they guess which one of us is Vivi?"

"That isn't going to be a problem," I smirked, explaining further, "Because Vivi won't be there, she'll be riding Carue towards the castle while we distract the Baroque Works agents. This is my plan: we'll ride the ducks to Alubarna and lead the Baroque Agents away in pairs."

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