Chapt. 18

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       ***Author's Note: I do not own One Piece, Oda does, I do own the characters I made up in this story (ex: Ivy, Cecily (Shadow), and any other made up characters throughout this story that I might create). Also, please do not copy this story and claim it as your own***

            Chapt. 18: The Dumb Idea, The Landing, and, The Trick

   "I'm so hungry," Luffy complained, laying across the boat, looking pitifully at the empty barrel of apples (that he ate in less than an hour, even though I just managed to get a new barrel of apples before we left), "Ivy, I'm hungry."

"AND WHO'S FAULT IS THAT, YOU GLUTTONESS PIG!," I irked, baring my teeth at him with a tick mark on my forehead, "Jeesh, it's like you want my blood pressure to rise."

"When in the hell are we going to reach land anyways?" Zoro yawned, stretching his arms.

"Who knows, we're just sailing on the winds and the waves not knowing where they're gonna take us," Luffy deadpanned, staring out at the sea, "We might never even reach land, nah, I guess we will someday."

"MORON!," I fumed, baring my teeth at him, "THIS IS WHY WE NEED A NAVIGATOR!!!"

"A navigator?," Luffy repeated, tilting his head to the side with furrowed brows, "What's that?"

"ARE YOU AN IDIOT?!!" Zoro and I shouted with bared teeth, (Shadow was in a turtle form, following the boat).

"Even Zoro knows what that is and that's saying something." I huffed in irritation.

"Hey!" Zoro frowned.

"A navigator is a person who can read seas charts and can guide a ship to where it needs to go," I explained, ignoring the glares being sent my way from Zoro, "And if they're really good, they can even predict when a storm comes and they can guide the ship so it can avoid the storm or at the very least, guide the ship so it gets a small amount of damage. Do you understand Luffy?"

"Sure," Luffy grinned, nodding his head, "I'm hungry."

"Why do I even bother," I sighed, face palming, widening my eyes upon seeing the grin on Luffy's face as he glanced up at a bird (Luffy with a grin like that on his face is never a good sign), "Luffy, whatever bright idea you just came up with, I can promise you it's not."

"Hey look," Luffy pointed to a bird way up in the sky, completely ignoring me, "It's a bird, let's eat it."

"Huh," Zoro raised his eyebrow at Luffy, "How would we even catch it?"

"Leave that to me," Luffy laughed, stretching his arms and launching himself up into the air, "GUM GUM ROCKET!!!"

"Makes sense, eh," Zoro nodded, watching Luffy, only to turn his head towards me in confusion, "Why are you getting the paddles out?"

"In about three seconds that rubber idiot is going to be caught by that bird and the bird is going to be flying off with him," I deadpanned, handing the oars to Zoro, who had his mouth opened three seconds later when it did happen, "See told you."

"YOU MORON!," Zoro shouted, baring his teeth up at Luffy, paddling the boat, "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON NOW?!"

"Stop men overboard!," waved three Buggy Pirates, "Hey stop!"

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