Chapt. 74

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    ***Author's Note: I do not own One Piece, Oda does, I do own the characters I made up in this story (ex: Ivy, Cecily (Shadow), and any other made up characters throughout this story that I might create). Also, please do not copy this story and claim it as your own***

      Chapt. 74: The Journey, The Rebel Soldiers?, and The Smoke Makes His Move

      "Luffy, why don't you let me pilot the sleigh," Vivi suggested, her eyebrows furrowed in dread, walking over to Luffy (who was already inside the sleigh and started monkeying on the ropes), and a small smile on her face, "These sand-sleighs are very hard to use."

"No way," Luffy frowned, glancing up at Vivi, lifting his head up from where he was working on the ropes, and going back to the ropes, "It can't be that different from regular ships, so I'll do it."

"Why do I get the feeling that this is going to turn out badly for him?" Zoro groaned in annoyance, a large tick mark on his head, face-palming, and watching Luffy sleigh off fast, then come back, "I don't know much about sand sleighs, but I'm pretty sure that's not how you ride those things."

"LET VIVI HANDLE THE SLEIGH FROM NOW ON!" Nami, Sanji, Chopper, Usopp, and Shadow bared their teeth at Luffy, with large tick marks coming onto their heads.

"Good...idea.," Luffy wheezed, laying on the sleigh, with his tongue sticking out.

"I warned you that it was difficult to control," Vivi chuckled lightly, walking over to the sleigh, and getting inside, "Take it easy Luffy."

"Zaba, let's go." Rasa ordered, jumping into the second sand sleigh with Zaba following her a few seconds later, and they took off in their sleigh with Vivi and Luffy following close behind them.

"This is fun," Luffy grinned over the wind, standing behind Vivi inside the sleigh as they sleighed through the sand, "We should ask them if we could borrow one of these. I bet that we can get to Yuba faster if we had one of these."

"True, we probably would be able to get to Yuba faster if we used one of these," Vivi agreed, nodding her head, working on the ropes, and watching ahead of them, "But like I already said, it's really hard to control the sand sleighs."

"Then how are you so good at it?," Luffy countered, narrowing his eyes at Vivi, and frowning in skepticism, "Cause, you make it look easy."

"I had one when I was a little girl," Vivi recalled, a sad look in her eyes, and she continued to steer the sleigh, "I used to ride it all the time."

"HEY VIVI, WATCH OUT!" Luffy shouted, pointing to the other sleigh that had bumped into them, and glaring at Rasa as they passed her and Zaba, "THAT WASN'T NICE!"

"RASA, WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" Zaba frowned at her, and glancing over his shoulder towards where Luffy and Vivi had been pushed.

"I DON'T HAVE TO EXPLAIN MYSELF!," Rasa glared, steering the sleigh, and muttering under her breath, "If she's lucky that spoiled little princess will be fine."

"Huh?" Zaba furrowed his brows in confusion.


"VIVI, WE'RE GETTING PULLED IN FARTHER!" Luffy yelled, his eyes wide, and seeing the sleigh start sinking.

"THAT ISN'T GOOD!," Vivi exclaimed in panic, trying to pull the ropes to get them out of there, "THIS IS QUICK SAND, IF WE GET PULLED IN FARTHER WE'LL NEVER GET BACK OUT!"

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