Chapt. 9: The Training, The Shitty-Gramps Returns, and The Choice

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    **Author's Note: I do not own One Piece, Oda does, I do own the characters I made up in this story (ex: Ivy, Cecily (Shadow), and any other made-up characters throughout this story that I might create). Also, please do not copy this story and claim it as your own. I'm editing the chapters. Here is the edited version of chapter 9. I feel like it's better than the original. Let me know what you think.**

Chapter 9: The Training, The Shitty-Gramps Returns, and The Choice

"We should set traps around Dadan's house in case Bluejam's men comes looking for us." Sabo recommended, dangling his feet off a branch he was sitting on, and gazing-up at Ace, "Have you seen Ivy or Shadow?"

"Good thinking." Ace concurred, nodding his head in agreement, vaulting himself to the ground, and darting his eyes to Luffy and Sabo, "Ever since a month ago, those two have been disappearing once a week each month. They should be back tonight."

"She won't let me come with." Luffy pouted, grabbing shovels from a shed, handing them a shovel, and starting to dig holes, "Meanie."

"If she doesn't want anyone to go with her, then it's probably girl-things." Sabo guessed, shrugging his shoulders, and digging holes.

"Makes sense." Ace agreed, nodding his head, and digging holes.


To Ivy and Shadow

"Focus." a woman with mint-green shoulder-length hair barked, standing behind me, watching me, and smacking me upside the head, "Again."

"I am." I defended, sitting cross-legged on the ground, rubbing my head, pouting, shutting my eyes, attempting to feel the electric-charges in the air, trying to merge it together with the electric-pulses in my body, feeling my fingers-tingling, sparks of electricity shooting out of my hand, and a gigantic-bolt of lightning struck the ground where Shadow was training.

"CAREFUL!" Shadow shrieked, jumping out of the way, smacking the air with her paw, and baring her teeth.

"Sorry, Shadow." I apologized, lowering my head, sitting criss-crossed on the ground, and biting my lip.

"Let's take a break." the mint-hair lady suggested, hiking over to me, sitting down beside me, flicking me on the forehead, and smiling-encouragingly at me, "Quit sulking. It isn't like you, Shorty."

"Can' it." I sniffed, tears fell onto my knees, shadows crossing my face, and clutching the dirt in frustration, "What if I'll never be able to control my powers, Miss Delphi?"

"Remember the first time we met? You asked why I was helping you and I said it was because I knew your mom." Delphi recalled, lifting my chin up with her finger, and brushing away tears from my eyes, "She would be so proud of you. Just like how I am. I believe you will master your powers. Grasping these techniques won't just happen overnight. It takes time. What do you say we give it another shot? Then we'll eat supper before you go."

"Ok." I nodded, half-smiling, standing-up, and trying again.

Flashback: (Ivy and Shadow Meeting Delphi):

"Your control over your powers is awful." a female's voice observed, stepping out from behind a tree, her eyes darting to my hand which I had clutched to my chest in pain, advancing towards me, freezing when Shadow started growling at her, putting her palms up, recognizing Shadow, gazing into her eyes, and mind-linking with her, I'm from the Clan, Shadow. I'm here to help.

Delphi? Shadow mind-linked, padding-cautiously over to her, smelling her, recognizing her, and glancing at me, "You can trust her, V."

"..." I questioned, narrowing my eyes at her for a few seconds, standing-up, clutching my hand to my chest, and following her, "Who are you?"

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