Chapt. 97

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   ***Author's Note: I do not own One Piece, Oda does, I do own the characters I made up in this story (ex: Ivy, Cecily (Shadow), and any other made up characters throughout this story that I might create). Also, please do not copy this story and claim it as your own***

     Chapt. 97: The Zombie-Croc. Enters The Castle, The Deadly Sacrifice, The Flying Rubber Man To The Rescue

     "That wasn't a very nice thing to do, Princess," Crocodile taunted, walking out of the shadows with Robin right beside him, and smirking widely as they walked towards Vivi and Pell, "Considering this castle is going to be mine soon."

"CROCODILE!" Vivi seethed, widening her eyes in terror, and glaring at him, If Crocodile is here, then...what happened to Luffy?

"It would appear that we have some company Boss," Robin smiled, hearing guards pounding on the gate, activating her Devil Fruit power to make hands come out of the gates, and pushing the guards down the steps, "DIECISEIS FLEUR!"

"I'm glad you are joining us, your Majesty," Crocodile smirked darkly, seeing Cobra being led to the roof, and having Robin pin Cobra to the wall with iron stakes, "It's unfortunate that this will be your last time in this castle since I'm going to be the new ruler."

"FATHER!," Vivi cried, widening her eyes in horror, and glaring at Crocodile, "LET HIM GO RIGHT NOW!"

"Damn you Crocodile," Chaka hissed, unsheathing his sword, and glaring daggers at Crocodile, "RELEASE HIS HIGHNESS AT ONCE!"

"Vivi...I'm...sorry for...messing up...your save...Alabasta..." Cobra spoke softly, a look of sadness appeared on his face as he glanced at Vivi, and breathing hard, " must...leave...before he...kills you..."

"NO, I WON'T LEAVE!," Vivi declared stubbornly, a look of pure determination appeared in her eyes as she death-glared at Crocodile, "One thing I learned while traveling with Luffy and the others is to fight for what you believe in with everything you have and to never give up."

"If you're hoping that those pathetic pirate friends of yours will come to your rescue, don't bother. My associates and I have already killed them all," Crocodile smirked darkly, turning towards Vivi, and taunting her, "I'll admit that Straw Hat has audacity unsurprisingly, he was no match for me."

"YOU'RE LYING!," Vivi seethed, glaring at Crocodile with pure hatred in her eyes, and clenching her hands into fists, "THERE'S NO WAY LUFFY AND THE OTHERS WOULD DIE BY A JACKASS LIKE YOU!"

Vivi...just who are these pirate friends of yours that turned you into such a strong and independent woman?, Cobra thought, widening his eyes in shock, (I guess he never heard a princess swear that I think about it, this is the first time Vivi has ever swore...oops...), and bending his head downwards with a smile on his face, She swore, but I'll let it go this time since she learned how to fight for what she believes in

"Think whatever you want to," Crocodile frowned, turning towards Cobra, and narrowing his eyes, "Before I kill you and your daughter, there's something I want to ask you: Where is the Pluton?"

H-h-how did he find out about that?, Cobra thought, widening his eyes in shock, before narrowing his eyes at Crocodile, and small beads of sweat fell down his face, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

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