The Attempts at Murder, The S In ASL Enters, and The Bluejam Pirates

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 ***Author's Note: I do not own One Piece, Oda does, I do own the characters I made up in this story (ex: Ivy, Cecily (Shadow), and any other made-up characters throughout this story that I might create). Also, please do not copy this story and claim it as your own. I'm editing the chapters. Here is the edited version of chapter 5. I feel like it's better than the original. Let me know what you think.**

Chapter 5: The Attempt At Murder, The S in ASL Enters, and The Bluejam Pirates

A week has passed since Ace chucked Luffy off the bridge. Luffy has yet to make-it back.

"Good-Night, Dadan." I chirped, smiling at her, entering the bedroom with Shadow on my heels, lying-down on my cot, pulling-up the blanket, and falling-asleep with Shadow curled against me.

"Is it just me or is it creepy she's the only 1 out of the 3 brats that's semi-nice?" Dadan wondered, sweatdropping upon seeing me smile at her, drinking her sake, and heading to bed.

"It's not just you, Boss." all the bandits agreed, sweatdropping, nodding their heads, and heading to bed.

"Damn dog." Dogra grumbled, Pochi waking everyone up, stomping outside, scowling-heavily, blinking-rapidly upon seeing Luffy standing there, and shouting to Dadan, "BOSS!! COME QUICK!!!"

"What?" Dadan mumbled, shuffling-outside, yawning, rubbing her eyes, blinking when she noticed Luffy, storming-over to him, barring her teeth, a tick-mark appeared on her head, and stretching his cheeks, "WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?!!!"

"I was being chased by wolves in the bottom of the valley." Luffy panted, standing in front of them, and looking exhausted.

"ARE YOU NUTS?!" Dogra exclaimed, a sweatdrop appeared on his head, and a bewildered-look appeared on his face, "What the heck were you doing down there?"

"...Ummm...." Luffy uttered, remembering Ace struck him off the bridge, getting a large-sweatdrop, and darting his eyes sideways, "I...wanted to go exploring..."

What a terrible liar. Dadan thought, a large-sweatdrop appeared on her head, ushering Luffy into the bedroom, and shutting the door behind her, "Go to sleep. You'll be working your ass off tomorrow."

"Luffy..." I muffled, hearing the door slam shut, rubbing my eyes, sitting-up, noticing wounds all over Luffy, padding towards my bag, lifting-out the 1st-Aid-Kit, cleaning his wounds, bandaging his wounds, putting the 1st-Aid-Kit back into my backpack, laying-down on my cot with Luffy curled against me, smiling-warmly as he wrapped his arms around me, and brushing his hair away from his face, I'm glad your safe, Lu.

For someone who claims they don't belong, you sure got attached rather quickly. Shadow mind-linked, resting on the footend of the cot, opening an eye, and staring-quizzingly at me.

Cassia always said I get too attached to characters. I mind-linked, smiling-fondly, shutting my eyes, and falling asleep.


The Next Day

"OI, ACE!!" Luffy exclaimed, running after Ace, and grinning-brightly at him, "LET'S BE FRIENDS!!"

"GET BACK HERE!!" Dadan ordered, walking out of the shack, brushing her teeth, and seeing Luffy and I running after Ace, "YOU STILL HAVE CHORES TO DO!!"

"I'M OUTTA HERE!" Luffy grinned-impishly, pausing, turning around to face Dadan, pulling his eyelid down, sticking his tongue out at her, and dashing after Ace.

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