Chapt. 15: Finding Luffy, Meeting the Coward, and the Gorilla

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          ***Author's Note: I do not own One Piece, Oda does, I do own the characters I made up in this story (ex: Ivy, Cecily (Shadow), and any other made up characters throughout this story that I might create). Also, please do not copy this story and claim it as your own. I'm sorry for the late chapters, but I'm watching the episodes and writing down the lines for all the characters, so I write the story with accuracy***

           Chapt. 15: Finding Luffy, Meeting the Coward, and The Gorilla

            "Where do you think Luffy is, Shadow?," I asked Shadow, turning my body so I face her, "I mean it can't be that hard to find a mayhem magnet."

"Umm...Vines," Shadow announced nervously (she was in her emo girl form), pointing towards something speeding towards us, "I think I found him."

"What...," I began with wide eyes, looking to where Shadow was pointing and saw Luffy in a small fishing boat heading towards us, "LUFFY SLOW DOWN YOU IDIOT!!"

"Huh?," Luffy faltered rowing the boat, glancing around with a puzzled expression until he spotted us, then he grinned really big and started rowing faster, "IVY! SHADOW!"

That was when I noticed it was starting to get chilly and I glanced up at the sky, which was pitch dark instead of bright blue like it had been a few seconds ago. When I looked back at Luffy, I noticed a massive whirlpool that was drawing both Luffy's and Shadow's and mine boats towards it.

"LUFFY, STOP ROWING!," I commanded with panic as I cupped my hands to my mouth and directed Shadow to start emptying the two barrels out, "EMPTY A BARREL AND GET INTO IT NOW!"

"WHY?" Luffy yelled confused, as he started emptying out a barrel.

"I'LL EXPLAIN LATER," I promised, shouting towards Luffy as Shadow and I started emptying out our barrels, "JUST MAKE SURE YOU CLOSE THE BARREL TIGHT, SO NO WATER CAN GET INTO IT!!"

"FINE!" Luffy nodded as he got into the barrel, sealing it shut tight as the boats came even closer towards the whirlpool.

Shadow, turn yourself into the smallest animal form you can and get inside the barrel with me I thought-ordered, as Shadow came into the barrel (she was in a small mouse form, I could put her into my pocket and nobody could see her)

Why? I thought you wanted me to empty out the two barrels Shadow thought-questioned as she snuggled up next to me

Did you get the second barrel emptied? I countered-thought

No...Ohh, thanks Shadow thought-answered as the boats started breaking into pieces

No problem, and Shadow I thought-nodded as I felt the barrels spinning around

Yeah? Shadow thought-responded as the barrels were tossing and spinning

Hold on tight, we're going into the whirlpool I thought-commented as we started losing consciousness


"You can't! Lady Alvida will kill us if she ever found out!" panicked a whiny and shrill voice.

"She won't if you keep your trap shut, right boy?" threatened another voice.

"Yeah, right...hahaha...ok," squeaked the whiny voice.

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