The 2nd Encounter, The Fight, and The Arm

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     ***Author's Note: I do not own One Piece, Oda does, I do own the characters I made up in this story (ex: Ivy, Cecily (Shadow), and any other made-up characters throughout this story that I might create). Also, please do not copy this story and claim it as your own. I'm editing the chapters. Here is the edited version of chapter 3. I feel like it's better than the original. Let me know what you think.**

Chapt. 3: The 2nd-Encounter, The Fight, and The Arm

"Fish. Fish. Fish." Luffy sang, grinning widely, carrying a basket, trekking alongside me, and stopping in front of a Fish stand, "OI, MR. STORE KEEPER! I WANT TO BUY SOME FISH!"

"Luffy, Manners." I chided, giving him a stern look, flicking him on the forehead, and standing beside him with Shadow resting on my shoulder, "Besides, We're here to buy Makino fish, not you."

"Right. Sorry." Luffy grinned, bowing to the man behind the counter, rubbing his forehead, and holding up his basket, "I would like to buy some fish, please."

"You always brighten up a room wherever you go, Luffy." the stand-keeper grinned, grabbing the basket from Luffy, and noticing me standing beside Luffy, "Who's your friends?"

"This is Ivy and that's Shadow." Luffy introduced, beaming-brightly, and a determined gleam flashed into his eyes, "They're my 1st crew-members."

"Crew-member, huh?" the stand-keeper repeated, filling the basket with fish, and raising an eyebrow at Luffy, "What ever happened to you wanting to join that Red-Haired pirate's crew?"

"I decided I'm gonna start my own pirate-crew." Luffy declared, giggling happily, and a mischievous glint shone into his eyes, "I'm gonna have a pirate-crew that's stronger than Shanks'."

"That so? Good luck." the stand-keeper laughed, handing Luffy the basket back, taking the money that I just gave him, and winking at me, "Keep a good eye on that one. Something tells me, he's gonna need someone watching his back."

"I DON'T WANNA HEAR THAT, BRATS!" Mayor Wood-Slap chided, shuffling over to us, baring his teeth at us, and smacking his cane against the ground, "THAT RED-HAIRED BASTARD IS A TERRIBLE INFLUENCE ON THE TWO OF YOU!! DON'T GO HANGING OUT WITH HIM ANYMORE!!"

Luffy always brings joy wherever he goes. I smiled-softly, watching Luffy antagonize Wood-Slap, laughing-softly, and gaining Luffy's attention, "Let's go get these fish back to Makino's."

"Kay." Luffy replied, plugging his ears with his fingers, sticking his tongue out at him, grabbing the basket, ignoring Wood-Slap, rushing towards me, walking next to me, and gazing up at me with curiosity, "When do you think Shanks is gonna be back?"

"He said he'd be back soon. Just be patient, Lu." I smiled, chuckling-softly, stepping into Patty's Bar, and ruffling Luffy's hair affectionately.

"BUT I WANNA SEE SHANKS NOW!!." Luffy whined, pouting, grinning widely, dashing over to Makino, setting the basket of fish on-top-of the counter, "HERE'S THE FISH, MAKINO!!"

"You two are a big help." Makino sighing-exhaustedly, smiling-sadly, maneuvering through the swarm of patrons, and jerking her head towards the kitchen, "Set them in the kitchen please."

"Let's get to work, Chore-Boy." I teased, tossing a rag at Luffy, tying an apron around my waist, and letting Shadow roam around.

"I don't wanna." Luffy pouted, sitting on the floor, puffing out his cheeks, the rag hitting him in the face, and crossing his arms against his chest.

"If we help Makino, she'll fry us fish for supper." I hinted-slyly, and placing a finger to my chin.

"..." Luffy directed, blinking for a few seconds, suddenly dashing towards the tables, and pumping his arms into the air, "LET'S GET TO WORK!"

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