Chapter Rewrite

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            "I said no." I deadpanned, ambling to the dining area, putting food onto my plate, sitting down, eating my food, and ignoring the pest beside me, "Quit asking."

It's been 6 months since Ace, Shadow, and I have joined Pop's Crew. Ace has been bugging me to co-command the 2nd Division with him ever since he found out about how much paperwork is involved in commanding a division.

"Why not?" Ace pouted, sitting beside me, and giving me puppy-dog eyes, "Please?"

"Those puppy-dog eyes were cute when we were kids, now it makes you look desperate." I intoned dryly, never looking at him, eating my food, and drinking my Pepsi, "You'll just dump the paperwork on me, while you cause chaos. That's why not."

Just admit it. Shadow mind-linked, smirking, laying on my shoulder (she's in her Snow Leopard kitten form), and a mischievous glint flashed into her eyes, You find him attractive, especially when he gives you the puppy-dog eyes.

I DO NOT! I mind-linked, puffing out my cheeks, turning my head away, and eating my food.

"When are you getting your tattoo?" Thatch inquired, sitting beside me, raising an eyebrow, and jabbing his thumb in Ace's direction, "You've been here 6 months already. Ace got his right after he became commander. When are you getting Pop's Tat?"

"She won't be getting any tattoos or piercings." Marco announced, cutting off my reply, and walking past the table, "Not while I have anything to say about it."

"I wasn't aware that I had to ask permission to get a tattoo or piercing." I commented, raising my eyebrows up at him, and narrowing my eyes at him.

"You're too innocent to sully your body with tattoos and piercings." Marco stated, sitting across from me, and giving me a stern-look, "It's my job to protect my little sister's virtue."

"Even as kids, guys thought she was terrifying." Ace laughed, swallowing down food, and pointing a finger at me, "It's no wonder she never had a boyfriend before."

"YOU ARE SUCH AN ASSHAT!" I snarled, barring my teeth at him, slamming his face into his food, stomping off to my room, taking my clothes off, and taking a shower, LIKE HE'S ONE TO TALK! HE SCARED ANY GIRLS AWAY AS KIDS!

"Ivy?" Ace called, shuffling into the bathroom, breaking off when he saw me, freezing in place when he saw me in the shower, and staring at me, "I'm so..."

"EEEEEKKKK!!" I shrieked, grabbing the shower curtain, pressing it against my body, barring my teeth at him, a large tick-mark appeared on my head, my face going bright red, and chucking items at him, "GET OUT, PERV!"

"OWW!" Ace complained, dodging the items, rubbing his head where one object hit him, and frowning, "IT'S NOT LIKE I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU NAKED BEFORE!"

"THAT'S DIFFERENT! WE WERE KIDS, YOU PINHEAD!" I screeched, the tick-mark growing bigger, and throwing things at him, "NOW GET OUT!"

Flashback: (Ace, Luffy, Sabo, and Ivy were little kids)

"Why doesn't Ivy have a wiener?" Luffy asked, standing up in the bath-tub, peeking over the curtain, and watching me take a bath.

Dadan made all of us take baths. Luckily, she put a curtain/screen between the boys' tub and mine.

"DON'T WATCH HER TAKE A BATH, MORON!" Ace chided, barring his teeth, a large tick-mark appeared on his head, and dunking Luffy under the water, "GIRLS DON'T HAVE BALLS, IDIOT!"

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