The Insane Gramps, The She-Man, and The A of ASL Enters

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          ***Author's Note: I do not own One Piece, Oda does, I do own the characters I made up in this story (ex: Ivy, Cecily (Shadow), and any other made-up characters throughout this story that I might create). Also, please do not copy this story and claim it as your own. I'm editing the chapters. Here is the edited version of chapter 4. I feel like it's better than the original. Let me know what you think.**

Chapter 4: The Insane Gramps, The She-Man, and The A of ASL Enters

Two-Weeks have passed since Shanks saved Luffy and I from the Sea-King. Shanks' arm-wound has healed. Shanks told us he had no regrets giving-up his arm to save us. Today, Shanks and his crew are leaving. They had just finished loading the ship.

"You're not upset that we won't be coming back, are you?" Shanks inquired, stepping-off the ramp, shuffling-over to us, and raising an eyebrow teasingly at Luffy.

"No. I've decided to get my own pirate-crew" Luffy denied, blinking-back tears, lifting-up his head, and determination-shimmered into his eyes, "I already have Ivy and Shadow."

"YOU? A PIRATE?!!! HA! THAT'S A LAUGH!!" Shanks bursted-out-laughing, sticking-out his tongue at Luffy, wiping an imaginary-tear from his eye, and amusement-flashed into his eyes.

"JUST WAIT!! I'LL FIND A CREW THAT'S EVEN STRONGER THAN YOURS!!" Luffy vowed, barring his teeth, a large-tick-mark appeared on his head, stomping his foot childishly against the ground, and his voice held unwavering-certainty, "I'M GONNA BE KING OF THE PIRATES SOMEDAY, JUST WATCH!!"

Looks like I found someone worthy of passing on the torch, eh Captain? Shanks thought, widening his eyes in surprise, shadows crossing his face, kneeling in front of Luffy, lifting his straw-hat off his head, placing the straw-hat on-top-of Luffy's head, and smiling-fondly at him, "Once you become a strong-pirate, return this hat back to me. This hat is very-special to me, so make sure to take good-care of it for me, alright?"

"Uh-Huh." Luffy blubbered, nodding his head, tugging the hat over his face, and hiding his tears.

I'll be damned. Shanks never lets anyone touch his hat. Yasopp thought, leaning over the ship's railing, widening his eyes, the corners of his lips tugging up into a half-smirk, and watching Luffy and I in interest, These two are gonna be someone to watch in the future.

"Since Luffy is going to be a bigger pirate than us, he's gonna need someone watching his back." Shanks grinned, rummaging through his bag, pulling out a silver-dagger with a black-rose carved into its hilt, stepping over to me, bending-down, handing me the dagger that was resting inside it's silver sheath, ruffling my hair, and winking at me, "Think you're up for the challenge, Chi?"

"Uh-Huh." I nodded, clutching the dagger in my hands, biting my lip, tears fell down my face as we watched Shanks leave, and tugging Luffy into a side-hug.

"WHEN WE SEE EACH OTHER AGAIN," Luffy promised, raising his voice, tears falling down his face, biting his lip, wrapping his arms around me, and watching as Shanks' ship started sailing away, "I'M GOING TO BE STRONGER!!"

"..." Makino smiled, gazing at the black dot that was Shanks' ship in the horizon, walking up to us, bending down in front of us, and ushering us back to Patty's Bar, "I believe it's time for lunch don't you think?"


On Shanks' Ship

"It surprised me that you gave Luffy your beloved straw-hat, Cap." Yasopp questioned, leaning-against the railing, resting beside Shanks, and raising an eyebrow at him, "Why did you give him the hat anyways?"

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