Chapter Rewrite

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             "You really can't stay longer?" I pouted, puffing my cheeks out childishly, hugging Jay, and staring sadly up at Jay, "It feels like you just got here..."

"I'm sorry. I can't stay any longer." Jay smiled sadly, wrapping his arms around me, ruffling my hair, pulling away gently, inching over to Ace, smirking, giving him a fist-bump, and speaking quietly at him, "Make your move already, Chicken."

"I'm going to. Shut up." Ace grinned, rolling his eyes, and fist-bumping him, "Stay safe out there."

"I'm too awesome to die." Jay bragged, remembering something, shuffling over to me, reaching into his bag, pulling out a present, and handing it to me, "Oh, I almost forgot. I might not be seeing you for a while, so here's my birthday present for you."

A...metal-toy-robot? I thought, opening the box, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion, lifting out a miniature-metal-toy-robot, and moving my fingers over it, It's...cute.

"You don't remember?" Jay questioned, raising an eyebrow up at me, smiling at me, and scratching the back of his head sheepishly, "A boy gave that to you when you were 4. Mom wanted me to take you with me while I went out with my friends. Instead of keeping an eye on you like I was supposed to, I made you sit in the arcade far-away from me and my friends. You had wandered off without me knowing you were missing. The boy who gave you that toy, saved you from another boy who was picking on you. He stayed with you until I came looking for you. Now that I think about it...the kid wanted to punch my face in for not keeping a better eye on you. I think he said something like: What the hell is the matter with you, Dipshit? What kind of jackass leaves his little sister alone?"

Why does that person sound familiar? I thought, pursing my lips in concentration, shrugging my shoulders, and tilting my head sideways at him, "Where did you even find it?"

"I found it in some old boxes mom wanted me to go through so she could donate our old toys to charity." Jay told, pulling me into a hug, kissing my forehead, pushing away lightly, hugging Shadow, whispering something in her ear, and jumping into his small boat, "Keep an eye on Ivy for me, ok, Shadow?"

"You know I always do." Shadow assured, smacking him upside the head, standing beside me, resting her head on my shoulder, and watching Jay sail off.

"Oi Pig?" Ace baited, seeing me wipe small tears from my eyes, nudging me with his shoulder, bolting towards the dining hall, and sticking his tongue out at me, "Let's go feed that bottomless-pit you call a stomach before the food is gone."

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING A PIG?" I seethed, barring my teeth at him, a large tick-mark appeared on my forehead, and charging after him, "YOU'RE THE ONE WITH THE BOTTOMLESS-PIT, JERK!"

Nice one, Fire-Heater. Shadow thought-smirking, shaking her head in hilarity, and ambling after us, Make her pissed so she won't think about missing her brother.


1 Week Later

"JIMBEI! IT'S GOOD TO SEE YOU OLD FRIEND! GURAURAURA!!" Whitebeard greeted, sensing Jimbei approaching him, lifting his gigantic cup up to his lips, and never looking down at Jimbei, "I'm glad you decided to come."

"You did mention she was from the Danico Clan. Admittedly, it peaked my interest slightly." Jimbei confessed, jumping quietly onto the deck, approaching Whitebeard, smiling lightly, roaming his eyes over the crowd in the dining hall, spotting red-hair, landing his gaze on me, and casting his eyes back to Whitebeard, "That's her?"

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