Chapt. 71

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   ***Author's Note: I do not own One Piece, Oda does, I do own the characters I made up in this story (ex: Ivy, Cecily (Shadow), and any other made up characters throughout this story that I might create). Also, please do not copy this story and claim it as your own***


      Chapt. 71: The Tsunami Alert, The Captured Friends, and The Missing Crewmates


     "Usopp...I'm so thirsty...," Luffy panted, walking beside Usopp, using a stick to walk, his tongue sticking out, noticing some cactus on the ground, rushing over to them, ripping them out of the ground, and sucking the bottom of the cactus to get water, "I...can't...stand...being...thirsty...anymore."

"Umm...Luffy, I don't think you should be drinking that...," Usopp sweatdropped, stopping in his walking (he also was using a stick to walk), glancing back at Luffy, shrugging his shoulders, and continuing to walk with the others, "Do what you want. I'm too exhausted right now."

"Luffy, what's wrong?" Shadow inquired, seeing Luffy stop walking, and turning to face Luffy.

"TSUNAMI!," Luffy shouted, running around in panic, "A TSUNAMI IS COMING!"

"Oh for the love of...," Sanji muttered in irritation, turning to face Luffy, a tick mark on his head, "What is it this time?"

"Anyone want to tell me why Luffy is acting like a crazy person this time?" Zoro asked, a sweatdrop on his head, watching Luffy, and pulling the makeshift sleigh with Chopper inside.

"I told him that wasn't a good idea," Usopp muttered, glancing at Luffy with a sweatdrop on his head, "But did he listen? No."

"What wasn't a good idea?" Chopper questioned, sitting up in the sleigh, watching Luffy, and turning his head towards Usopp.

"He said he was so thirsty that he couldn't stand it anymore," Usopp deadpanned, the sweatdrop getting bigger, "So he chomped down on those cactus back there to suck out the moisture from them."

"Cactus?" Shadow puzzled, walking over to a pile of cactus that Luffy drank from, picking one up, and holding it up for the rest to see, "You don't mean these do you?"

"Yup." Usopp deadpanned, nodding his head, and the sweatdrop growing bigger.

"Let me see that," Chopper directed, rushing over to Shadow, glancing at the cactus, and getting wide eyes, "Please tell me he didn't drink the moisture from this cactus?"

"That's what I just said, Chopper," Usopp intoned, raising an eyebrow up at him, "What's the big deal?"

"THE MOISTURE IN THIS TYPE OF CACTUS IS USED TO MAKE HALLUCINOGENS DRUGS!" Chopper exclaimed, getting a syringe filled with a sleeping drug ready.

"LOOK OUT WE'RE GOING TO DROWN!" Luffy shouted, stretching his arm back, "GUM-GUM...!

"Knock out." Chopper grinned, poking Luffy with the needle, and giving Sanji, Zoro, and Shadow a thumbs up (or hoof up).

"And the amazing Chopper saves the day." Shadow smirked, nodding her head at Chopper as Sanji and Zoro start dragging Luffy behind them as they started walking.

"Way to go, Chopper," Zoro smirked, glancing down at Chopper, and dragging Luffy behind him, "Looks like we got separated again."

"Now that you mentioned it," Sanji observed, dragging Luffy by his ankle, "I haven't seen Ace or Ivy for a while."

"Oh great," Usopp deadpanned, walking beside Shadow and Chopper, "When did they disappear?"


Somewhere in the desert

"Thanks, Flame-Brain," I glared, walking beside him, and crossing my arm across my chest, "You got us lost."

"We're not lost," Ace assured, walking beside me, "Besides, I'm sure we'll find the others eventually."

"Sure we'll find the others in this desert where everything looks the same," I muttered sarcastically, rolling my eyes, and walking beside him, "It'll be a piece of cake."


Another part of the desert

"Thanks to Eyelash here," Nami smiled, rubbing Eyelash's head, and holding onto the reins, "We'll be at Yuba in no time."

"Yes, I'm grateful to Eyelash," Vivi smiled, only to frown in worry, and glancing into the distance, "But do you think the others are going to be alright?"

"Of course they'll be alright," Nami dismissed Vivi's concern with a wave of her hand, and smirking over her shoulders at Vivi, "All they have to do is follow our footprints."

"You're right," Vivi smiled, glancing behind her, getting wide eyes upon seeing that there's no footprints in the sand, "NAMI, OUR FOOTPRINTS ARE GONE!"

"WHATTT?!!!" Nami shrieked, glancing behind Vivi, seeing the footprints gone, and widening her eyes upon seeing shadows creep up on them, "V-V-VIVI, LOOK BEHIND YOU!"

"What?" Vivi turned her head backwards, and saw what Nami was talking about.

"GYAAAAA!!!" Nami and Vivi screamed.


Back to Zoro, Sanji, Shadow, Chopper, Usopp, and Luffy

"Don't worry about Ace and Ivy," Zoro smirked, dragging Luffy behind him, and walking beside Sanji, "Those two can take care of themselves."

"That's true, Shi, Shi, Shi," Luffy laughed, waking up from the sleeping drug, grinning up at the rest, only to frown, "Sorry about my big brother and sister, they're flakes."

"ITS YOUR FAULT!" Zoro bared his teeth at Luffy, a tick mark on his head, and kicking Luffy.

"THEY'RE NOT THE FLAKES," Usopp bared his teeth at Luffy, a large tick mark on his head, and he also was kicking Luffy, "IT'S YOU WHO'S THE FLAKE!"

"WE GOT SEPARATED FROM THEM BECAUSE WE WERE TOO BUSY DEALING WITH YOUR NORMAL IDIOTICY!" Shadow bared her teeth at him, a tick mark on her head, and kicking Luffy.

"AS USUAL, THIS IMBECILE CAUSED US TROUBLE AS ALWAYS!" Sanji bared his teeth at him, kicking Luffy, a tick mark on his head, only to snap his head up upon hearing screams, "That sounds like..."

"Nami," Luffy finished, one of is rare serious looks on his face, glancing towards the direction of where it came, and turning towards Usopp, "Do you see anything?"

"Hold on give me a sec," Usopp mumbled, turning his goggle lens, looking out into the distance, getting a panic look on his face upon seeing the scene before him, and turning towards the others with worry, "BAD NEWS GUYS! NAMI AND VIVI HAVE BEEN CAPTURED! Oh and the camel."

"Who cares about that stupid camel," Sanji intoned, glaring as they all ran towards where the girls were being held captive, and a huge tick mark on his head, "If those bastards hurt even a single hair on their heads, I'll..."

"Something's never change," Shadow sweatdropped, running beside Sanji, and smirking, "Alright, let's go rescue them."

"Right." Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Chopper, and Luffy nodded, and running towards where the girls were.

                TO BE CONTINUED...

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