Chapt. 45

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***Author's Note: I do not own One Piece, Oda does, I do own the characters I made up in this story (ex: Ivy, Cecily (Shadow), and any other made up characters throughout this story that I might create). Also, please do not copy this story and claim it as your own***

        Chapt. 45: The Musician's Old Friend, The Blue-Haired Girl and Her Partner Appear, and The Flower-Dude

   "Everyone you're clothes are done," I called, folding some of the clothes into piles, seeing Luffy dangling from the ships head, "Luffy you'd better get down from there."

"NO, THIS IS MY SPECIAL SEAT AND YOU CAN'T HAVE IT!" Luffy glared at me, trying to hold on to the ships' head so he wouldn't fall into the ocean.


"I can see the Mystery Mountain," Luffy grinned, not listening to a word that I just said, "YAHOO!!"

"Here Luffy, I fixed your clothes the best that I could," Nami smiled, putting his clothes on a pile, baring her teeth at him as she punched his head, "NOW GET DOWN FROM THERE!!!"

"Ok," Luffy grinned, jumping down onto the deck, "I can't wait."

"Oh sure you listen to her but not me," I grumbled with a smile, cupping my hands to my ears when I heard a loud noise, "Does anybody else hear that?"

"Yeah," Zoro nodded, coming over to me, "It's muffled by the rushing water, but you can still hear it if you listen closely."

"What are you guys talking about?" Nami raised an eyebrow up at Zoro and me.

"More than likely, it was probably just the wind." Usopp dismissed.

"What was that loud bellowing noise?" Shadow yawned, walking out onto the deck from the Girls' room, "That noise disturbed my nap."

"Nami, I see a Mountain up ahead." Sanji called down from the Crows' nest.

"That's impossible," Nami furrowed her brows in confusion, looking ahead of us, "There shouldn't be a Mountain ahead of us."

"Who cares." Luffy grinned, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"THERE SHOULD ONLY BE OPEN WATER, YOU MORON!!!" Nami and I bared our teeth at him, tick marks on our heads, "SO THERE'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A MOUNTAIN IN FRONT OF US!!!"

"It's a wall then," Luffy fist-pounded his palm, only to get a frown on his face, tilting his head in confusion (like the episode where Luffy was walking backwards because he was watching Ace and Smoker fighting and he ended up going the wrong way and he got that look when he sat on the barrel), "But that doesn't make sense, why would there be a wall in the ocean?"

"No comment," I face-palmed, turning towards Nami, "I'm pretty sure that it is a whale."

"Should we fight it?" Luffy grinned, starting to move his arm in circles.

"HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO FIGHT A 100 TON WHALE, YOU IDIOT?" Nami and I bared our teeth at him, punching him on the head.

"We're going to crash right into it if we don't do something." Sanji warned, looking up ahead.

"Look, there's a small opening on the left that we can get through," Shadow pointed out, running towards the rudder and calling over her shoulders at Usopp, "USOPP HELP ME WITH THE RUDDER!"

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