Chapt. 10: The Treehouse, The Old-Man, and a Foreboding Presence Advances

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**Author's Note: I do not own One Piece, Oda does, I do own the characters I made up in this story (ex: Ivy, Cecily (Shadow), and any other made-up characters throughout this story that I might create). Also, please do not copy this story and claim it as your own. I'm editing the chapters. Here is the edited version of chapter 10. I feel like it's better than the original. Let me know what you think.**

Chapter 10:

"It's time for us to live on our own." Dadan read, noticing a note tacked to the wall, ripping it off, and sweatdropping, "What the hell are those idiots up to now?"

"Those numbskulls think they're clever, heh." Garp chuckled, sticking his pinky in his ear, walking-away, and calling over his shoulder, "Be sure to turn my grandchildren into full-fledged Marines the next time I stop by."

"You've got it, Sir." Dadan chirped, fake-smiling, waving at Garp's back, and baring her teeth, "NO CHANCE IN HELL!!"


To Ace, Sabo, Luffy, Ivy, and Shadow

"Look." Sabo grinned-proudly, rolling-out a piece of paper, and resting it on a tree-trunk, "I designed this last night."

"Wow." Shadow praised, standing beside me, glancing at what he drew, and smirking as I stuck my tongue out at her, "That's way better than what Ivy draws."

"What is it?" Luffy inquired, standing beside Shadow, and staring at the paper.

"It's a hideout." Sabo divulged, rolling it back-up, and pointing towards the biggest tree in the middle of the forest, "Until we get our pirate-ship, we'll build our own hideout. I figured it would better than sleeping in the rain."

"What are we gonna build it with though?" Ace commented, rubbing his chin with his hand, and furrowing his eyebrows together in thought.

"Grey-Terminal would have the materials we need." I suggested, jerking my head in Grey-Terminal's direction, and sprinting-off with the boys following me, "Let's go."


To Dadan

"Well? Did you find those little twerps?" Dadan asked, lying on the floor, a pile of cigarette-butts next to her, and hearing Dogra's footsteps.

"They built a fort in that big-tree in the middle of the forest." Dogra replied, entering the house, and shaking-off the rain.

"Here I was hoping that damn tiger ate them." Dadan lied, her cheeks gaining a faint-red-hue, and turning her head away.


"Not too shabby." I observed, standing beside Ace, and admiring our hide-out.

"We actually managed to finish it." Sabo added, standing beside Luffy, and admiring our hide-out.

"It's awesome." Luffy giggled, standing beside Sabo, and admiring the hide-out.

"I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm tired." Shadow yawned, standing beside me, and her eyes dropping, "Time for bed."

"Not yet." Ace rejected, pulling a flag from behind his back, climbing up the wooden-ladder, shoving it into place on top of our roof, and calling down to us, "There. What are you waiting for?"

On the flag had each of our initials: S in bright blue, A in orange, I in lime-green, L in bright-red, and S in purple.

"Ivy, tell us a bedtime story." Luffy begged, setting blankets out for us, sliding underneath his blanket, and staring-expectantly at me, "Tell the one about the pirate."

The Ultimate MissionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora