Chapt. 72

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    ***Author's Note: I do not own One Piece, Oda does, I do own the characters I made up in this story (ex: Ivy, Cecily (Shadow), and any other made up characters throughout this story that I might create). Also, please do not copy this story and claim it as your own***

          Chapt. 72: The Sand Pirates, The Rebel Army, and The Two Forces

         "LUFFY, WAIT A SECOND!," Zoro called, running after Luffy, and Sanji, Usopp, Shadow, and Chopper running right behind him, "WE NEED TO FIGURE OUT A PLAN BEFORE WE CHARGE IN!"

"GUM-GUM: GIVE ME WATER!" Luffy yelled, running towards where Vivi and Nami were being held, (Sanji, Zoro, Chopper, Usopp, and Shadow had face-planted the sand comically when Luffy said that).

"THAT'S WHAT HE WAS WORRYING ABOUT?!" Chopper, Usopp, Sanji, Shadow, and Zoro sweatdropped as they stood side by side, smacking the air with their hands sideways after they had gotten up from the ground.

"He does realize that Nami, Vivi, and Eyelash are in danger right?" Chopper inquired, looking up at Usopp with a raised eyebrow.

"He probably was too focused on getting some water that he hasn't seen Nami, Vivi, and Eyelash yet." Usopp sweatdropped, watching Luffy stretching himself towards the pirate ship, and landing into the ship's mast with a loud crash.

"That looks like a pirate ship," Sanji observed, pointing in the direction of where Luffy headed, and where a huge pirate ship stood in the sand, "But how can a pirate ship be on land?"

"Don't know," Shadow smirked, running towards the pirate ship, and calling over her shoulder, "Let's go find out."


Back to Ace and Ivy

"Hold up," I commanded, stopping, and turning towards Ace, "Did you hear that?"

"I thought I heard something too." Ace nodded his head slowly, and looking around with narrowed eyes.

"That sounded like...Nami and Vivi screaming," I frowned in worry, glancing in the direction of where I heard their voices coming from, "I hope they're alright."

"They'll be fine since they have Luffy, Zoro, Shadow, and Sanji there to protect them," Ace assured, started to walk with me beside him, only for us to stop upon seeing a giant scorpion pop out of the ground in front of us, the scorpion wouldn't let us past it, and Ace activated his Devil Fruit power as he charged the scorpion, "Alright, you asked for it."

"Guess we'll be having fried scorpion," I smirked, watching Ace beat the scorpion with ease, "I suppose the best bet for us to find the others is wait for them. So let's just wait for them at the nearest town."

"Sounds like a plan." Ace nodded, and we started walking.


Back to Luffy and the others

"I was so thirsty that I must've miscalculated how far it was." Luffy panted, sitting on the deck of the ship, his tongue sticking out, and he had crashed into the ship and broke the mast.

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