Chapt. 53

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***Author's Note: I do not own One Piece, Oda does, I do own the characters I made up in this story (ex: Ivy, Cecily (Shadow), and any other made up characters throughout this story that I might create). Also, please do not copy this story and claim it as your own***

      Chapt. 53: The Rush Towards the Doctor, The Witch Appears, and The Waffle Gang Strikes Again

       "How many times has Ivy told you, Luffy," Shadow frowned over at Luffy, as they were walking through the snow, dodging a small white rabbit that came at her, "When it's snowing, or raining outside you need to wear the proper clothes."

"Yeah," Sanji agreed, walking next to Luffy, also dodging the small white rabbit that had come after him, "Nobody wears sandals when there is almost 5 feet of snow on the ground."

"Just looking at your feet is painful.," Sanji and Shadow deadpanned, once again dodging the same white rabbit.

"I'm not changing my police," Luffy glared at Sanji and Shadow, dodging the rabbit same rabbit that tried going after him now, "Someone told me a long time ago that everyone has something they wear that their known for, so my red vest, my Straw Hat, and my sandals are what I'm known for."

"I'm pretty sure that you mean policy," Shadow intoned, a sweatdrop on her head, glancing over at Luffy, dodging the rabbit again, "And you're only known for your straw hat you dummy."

"Well whatever," Luffy grinned, ignoring Shadow, turning towards Sanji, avoiding the rabbit, "Did you know that people who live in snow countries don't sleep at all?"

"Huh," Sanji sweatdropped, glancing over at Luffy with a raised eyebrow, sidestepping away from the rabbit, "Why is that?"

"Cause if they do sleep then they'll freeze to death in their sleep." Luffy grinned over at Sanji, shuffling towards Sanji to avoid the rabbit again.

"That's the stupidest thing that I have ever heard," Sanji deadpanned, a large sweatdrop on his head, ducking his head down to avoid the rabbit, "Everyone has to sleep at some point, nimrod."

"It's the truth," Luffy glared, walking beside Sanji, swerving his body at an angle to sidestep the rabbit, "Someone told me that a long time ago."

"Who? Usopp?," Sanji intoned, rolling his eyes at Luffy, lifting his leg up and avoiding the rabbit, "You believe things way too much."

"No, it wasn't Usopp," Shadow deadpanned, an expressionless voice, moving closer to Sanji to dodge the rabbit once again, "Ivy's boyfriend told him that when they were younger, because he knew Luffy would believe pretty much anything someone says."

"Nu-Huh," Luffy pouted over at the two, ducking his head down to dodge the rabbit, "He said that it was a proven fact."

"Back then, those two didn't exactly get along," Shadow explained to Sanji, ignoring Luffy, turning her body to miss the rabbit's attack, "Actually, it was more Ivy's boyfriend that had issues with Luffy and Luffy didn't have a problem with him."

"I can believe that," Sanji smirked, shaking his head, sprinting up a little to evade the rabbit's attack, "Luffy can be annoying at times."

"He wouldn't lie to me." Luffy defended, frowning at the two of them, shuffling to the left to evade the rabbit coming after him.

"Yeah, now he wouldn't." Shadow muttered under her breath, rolling her eyes, sidestepping out of the way from the same rabbit charging at her.

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