Chapt. 93

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   ***Author's Note: I do not own One Piece, Oda does, I do own the characters I made up in this story (ex: Ivy, Cecily (Shadow), and any other made up characters throughout this story that I might create). Also, please do not copy this story and claim it as your own***

     Chapt. 93: The Second Battle: Sanji VS Mr. 2, The Exposed Weakness, and Sanji Meets His Match

         This guy has quite the kick, he might even be stronger than me, Mr. 2 thought, being sent crashing into a brick wall by Sanji's kick, standing up, and glaring at Sanji, "I DON'T HAVE TIME TO DEAL WITH THE LIKES OF YOU, SO GET OUT OF MY WAY!"

"Likewise," Sanji galled, be sent crashing into the wall across from where Mr. 2 was sent, (Sanji got sent flying by Mr. 2's kick), standing up, and also glaring at Mr. 2, "If you want to kill Vivi, you'll have to get past me first."

Who does this punk think he is? Fine, if that's what he wants, Mr. 2 thought in irritation, and attacking Sanji with his feet, "BALLET KENPO: DEGERENT SWAN CYCLE!!"

"MONTE SHOOT!!," Sanji chanted, blocking the attack with one of his own kicks, and they both were sent crashing into the brick walls again, This freak-clown blocked my monte shoot

You've got to be kidding me, my ultimate Ballet Kenpo attack was stopped by that stupid, insignificant cook, Mr. 2 thought-irked, getting up, and scowled darkly at Sanji, "I was going easy on you earlier, but now I'm getting serious."

"Let's see it then." Sanji frowned, getting up, and glaring at Mr. 2.

"Once you see this hilarious face, you'll die of laughter." Mr. 2 cackled, changing his nose, eyes, mouth, and head, (well...he thought he did, but it was pretty much his weird face), turning towards Sanji, only to lay on the ground, silent tears fell down his face, a depressed cloud loomed over his head along with a depressed aura coming out of him, and holding up a mirror.

"Seriously dude, about 90% of that was your own ridiculous face," Sanji deadpanned, narrowing his eyes in disbelief, a large sweatdrop on his head, baring his teeth, and kicking Mr. 2, "QUIT FOOLING AROUND YOU PIECE OF CRAP!!"

"I'M NOT FOOLING AROUND, YOU JERK!!" Mr. 2 fumed, baring his teeth at Sanji, and changing his face into Usopp, Only a heartless jerk would dare hurt his friends, heh.

"I think I have a pretty good idea what you're trying to do," Sanji intoned, lightening a cigarette, and puffing out smoke from it, "Unfortunately for you, I'm not like my idiot captain who easily gets tricked."

"Let's just see you hurt me now...GAHHH!!!" Mr. 2 chuckled darkly, turning his head towards Sanji, only to have Sanji kick him, "DON'T YOU HAVE A HEART!! WHAT KIND OF MONSTER WOULD HURT HIS FRIENDS?!!"

"It doesn't matter what you change your face into, you still wouldn't be any of my friends," Sanji deadpanned, sighing in exasperation, "You might look like them, but you don't have their souls, idiot."

"So even if I were to become her, it wouldn't matter because technically I'm not really her?," Mr. 2 countered, raising an eyebrow up in challenge, turning into Nami, sweatdropping upon seeing Sanji go into his heart-mode, turning back to himself, more sweatdrops appeared when Sanji deactivated his heart-mode, turning into me, and turning back into Nami, Well, he's easy to read...really easy to read...incredibly easy to read...

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