"How are we going to do this?" I asked the others, "If this sword is as powerful as you say it is, then we have to get it but with three towns left unguarded, who knows what could happen when we leave."

"Well, for now we could stay in each of the towns and when you go to fight your uncle, then we could join back up with you." Harper suggested.

"That sounds good but who will go where?" I asked.

"I could go back to Crown Mesa to prepare the town for a lockdown." Harper said.

"I'll go with Harper." Ivor declared.

"We'll go with with two as well." Olivia said from next to Axel.

"We will?" Olivia roughly nudged his arm, "I mean we will."

"Milo and I will stay here in Harmony city and we could take care of Reuben if you wish." Isa offered.

"Thank you Isa, but who'll go back to our world?" I asked.

"We'll go and protect your world, we do still owe you for saving us." Stacy said Dan and Stampy nodded in agreement.

"Thanks you two, take Petra with you so the people back home will know you're friends."

"What! Then you'll be alone when you go to the temple to find the Astral Blade." Petra slightly shouted.

"I'll be fine, plus you need to accompany the YouTubers so that the citizens back home won't be suspicious of them."

"Fine...but you better not get into any trouble.."

"Let's hurry, we don't have much time before Herobrine realizes that we're avoiding him to get the Blade."

Time Skip to Before Everyone Leaves

As I prepared to leave for the dangerous swamp by checking to make sure I had some food and I had my enchanted diamond sword, Reuben ran over to me and tried to follow me out.

"Sorry buddy, you can't come with me, especially since your armor is back home. Besides, you'll be able to play with Benedict while you wait for us." I explained to him as I kneeled to pet his head.


"Hey, I'll ask Petra if she can bring it with her so you'll be able to help us save Lukas and Jesse, OK?"


"Jesse?" I got up to see Ivor walking over to me.


"Take this, just in case you need some help." he handed me a chest that felt fairly heavy and I heard some glass shuffling around inside.

"Thanks Ivor, I'll be sure to get that blade so we can stop Herobrine and save my sister and Lukas, since I know you're worried about them."

"Sure..." Ivor grumbled as he walked away.

Another Time Skip

As I entered the swamp, the first thing I saw was a small field of blue orchids on the ground next to a murky brown lake. As I bent down to pick one I remembered a time when Mom and Dad took me and Jesse on a journey with them...


We were walking through a forest as we left a village that Alex and Steve had traded with and protected against a zombie attack the night before, and Jesse ran she was laughing and jumping around until she tripped and landed in her stomach in a small patch do flowers.

"Sis!" I had run over to make sure she was OK when she started smiling as she picked a blue orchid.

"Nice find, my little warrior." Mom had come over to inspect Jesse's flower.

"It's just a regular flower." I had said, confused about what she was making a big deal out of.

"Yes son, but blue orchids usually grow in swamps and there's a myth around here that if you find a flower from a different biomes around here, it means it's lucky."

"Aww how come she gets a lucky flower." I had whined until Jesse came over and held out the orchid to me, beaming.

"We can share the luck." and I held my hand over hers as we laughed and started walking back home, still holding hands over the orchid and with Mom and Dad with our other hands. Even when Jesse's memory was erased, she never stopped loving blue orchids but we had never been brave enough to go to a swamp to find any before our first adventure...

Flashback End

I pocketed the flower when I heard shuffling noises around me, so I pulled out my sword looked all around to find who was making the noises.

Suddenly, a wolf, a cat, a strange looking creature that was brown and had a really fluffy looking tail and long skinny ears, and what I recognized as an Elytra guardian from one of my sister's legends books back home, came rushing at me, all at once. I was preparing myself for impact when a high pitched whistle sounded from the trees and the four animals skidded to a halt and sat down, surrounding me.

"What the...?"

"Haven't seen you around here stranger, what are you doing here?" I heard a female voice but I couldn't see the source.

"Who's there?! I'm warning you, I'm armed."

"We can see that smart guy. And of course we haven't seen this guy around, Medi, he's an enemy" Another female voice said sarcastically.

"Cut the guy some slack Chai." Another voice said.

"Yeah, Rose is right, if he's here, he must be looking for something." The "Medi" girl said.

"Yes I am looking for something, you all can help me?" I still brandished my sword while looking around.

"I still say we wait for Sadie to catch up." The girl named "Chai" said uncertainly.

"We can wait for her, but, for now, let's just try and help this guy." "Rose" said.

"All right..."

Abruptly, three girls jumped down from the trees and called the animals to them.

"Who are you?" One of the girls asked me.

"My name is Jesse, who are you four?"

1730 Words

Author Note- Hey! I wanted to post a small chapter today but I also wanted to included the meeting of the OC's of MinecraftLovesMedi, PuppetTheMarrionette, SODUDESO, and SupBruh1111 (I managed to fit all four of your OC's into the story 😄).

Also, if you MCSM fans haven't heard, which should be nearly impossible by now, Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 has been confirmed by TellTale Games and lead writer, Eric Stirpe, and Episode 9 has been announced to be released on July 11! The link to the official Minecraft website which gives more info on the episode is right here-


Until the next chapter, Bye!

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