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Taehyung knows that people grow up and change, he knows that nothing lasts forever, but when he reflects over the past few years he can't help but feel heartbroken all over again. The seven of them had been brothers, thick as thieves, partners in crime, together through thick and thin and for better or worse. Every time he sees an old photograph of them all together he feels a bittersweet smile creep up and familiar tears sting his eyes. He's forced to relive the good times, he's not angry, it's not anybody's fault. They've all just drifted apart in the past few years.. he's happy for them, proud of them even, but it still hurts. Every time he tries to organize a group dinner it falls through, too many schedules to work around. He's kind of just given up at this point. There's no room for him in their futures even though he's tried so desperately to keep them part of his.

Jin has landed a role in a Hollywood movie, Namjoon now owns a recording studio with Yoongi, Hoseok opened a dance studio, Jimin is a personal trainer and Jungkook is traveling the world as a photo journalist. And Taehyung? He's still living in their hometown, working at a little cafe as an assistant manager, still saying he'll go to college next year despite graduating high school nearly five years previously. He's still in the same town with the same job while his friends enjoy the world without him and it's no ones fault but his own. He's a coward afraid to move on, even though the world has no trouble moving forward without him. It sucks. Everything sucks. He's grown tired of living, tired of being stuck in the same routine day in and day out. He's tired of being alone.

He can't even count how many nights he's spent in his apartment, alone, clutching a photograph of all of them in a simpler time. All smiling, without a care in the world, now he's lucky to see them once a year, if that. Day in and day out of work, eat, sleep and repeat has him on auto pilot. Lately he's hardly focused on anything other than work. His coworkers and boss have tried to get him to take a vacation, be he refuses, making up excuses like not being able to afford it when in reality he's saved up quiet a fortune. Nights alone in your apartment with a microwaveable dinner will do that. He doesn't buy anything but the necessities, he lies to himself by saying that he's saving money for college. Taehyung knows he'll never actually go, and the money will likely pay for a new car one day just so it doesn't go to waste.

That's the thing about life. It keeps moving forward with or without you, society doesn't care if you follow your dream or go with the flow, no one really does. Follow your heart and the rest will work itself out, Taehyung just wishes he'd figured that out sooner.

That's the end of this book. I'll be starting a new book of one shots soon.

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