Taller than you

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Yoongi glared at his boy friend of only a few months, Namjoon. The younger had been teasing him about his height a lot recently, and it was gradually making Yoongi more and more pissed off.

One evening while heading out to a late dinner after writing in the studio all day, Yoongi snapped. Namjoon had ruffled his hair, teasing him "you're so much shorter than me" That's when Yoongi couldn't take any more. His eye visibly twitched in irritation, halting in his steps to glare "stop making fun of me Namjoon, I'm older than you, you know!" Namjoon chuckled, thinking it was just playful banter "sorry hyung. You're just so tiny" Yoongi kicked the younger's shin "that's it, I'm done. Eat dinner by yourself asshole!" And with that, Yoongi stormed off back to the direction from where they came, leaving Namjoon standing in disbelief. After several minutes Namjoon sighed, slapping himself with a curse "I shouldn't have teased him so much..."

~back at the dorm~
Yoongi had rushed straight to his room in the dorm, letting himself fall face first into the pillows. His thoughts journeyed over everything he'd been hoping for when his Namjoon had admitted his feelings. He'd like Namjoon for years, but never acted upon it due to the fear of rejection until the younger confessed around three months earlier. Everything was going so smoothly up until a couple weeks previously when Namjoon began teasing him about his height. There were a lot of things Yoongi could tolerate, unfortunately his height was not one of them however.

The sound of his bedroom door cracking open distracted Yoongi from his thoughts momentarily. He felt the bed dip down, and he finally lifted his head up to see Namjoon frowing down at him "Hyung, I'm sorry. I shouldn't tease you so much, I didn't know it was really bothering you... Some boyfriend I am" Yoongi sat up, facing the younger with a shrug "you are kind of an ass, but so am I so it evens out.." Namjoon chuckled, resting a hand on the older's knee "is that your weird way of forgiving me?" Yoongi shrugged leaning forward to kiss the younger briefly "maybe. Or maybe I'm gonna drag it out before I do. I'm pretty stubborn" Namjoon laughed, kissing him again "how about you forgive me now, and we can 'make up'.." He smirked, eating an eye roll from Yoongi "you're such a perv, but sure" Namjoon smirked widely, leaning forward to kiss the older roughly.

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